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Exclusive piece of news: You can be a vampire.

That was the most fascinating interview ever.


Well, at least we got this picture:



Aaaaaaaaaahh!!! Kill it with fire!


*casts Alcrin's Ultimate Firestorm, igniting everything flammable on the entire continent*

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Exclusive piece of news: You can be a vampire.

That was the most fascinating interview ever.


Well, at least we got this picture:



That face reminds me of my brother's.

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The TES magic system doesn't have somatic components?You're aware that the word somatic means "of the body" right?In this case it refers to use of the body, and you do have to move your arms and body to cast spells, which is why armor limits it's ability.Also, with no encouragement not to wear armor, the robes are essentially useless, utterly and completely useless, they have no gameplay purpose without an advantage for not wearing armor or wearing robes.Not to mention it would be ridiculous for wizards to be wearing leather or metal armor, especially in a traditional fantasy setting which doesn't try to stray away from the cliche "Robed Wizard".


That always came to me as more of an animation so you could more easily see that a spell is being casted for gameplay reasons: In lore, so far as I know, spellcasting is purely mental/verbal. There are books talking about uttering charms and incantations to cast spells but none detailing complex hand or body poses that need to be made.


And there is a benefit: Clothes don't provide any DR but don't reduce your speed. A worthwhile benefit? Maybe not, but it's there. I don't see any reason to arbitrarily punish spellcasting in armor except to encourage players to fit to the cliche.

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Every country's economy sucks.

Except my country's, so I think I'm going to stick around a little while longer. ;)





Monday...Monday...Monday...Monday...Monday... are we there yet?!

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