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Skyrim Information


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The new issue of OXM has new Skyrim info and screenshots.

I could only find the info and descriptions of the screens:





"And in a promising twist Skyrim is home to werewolves as well as vampires-we are fully expecting the lycanthropy disease to make its long awaited return to the series"

The reviewer was fighter 3 bandits once 2 died the third run away.

Necromancers can resurrect chickens and harvest their eggs.

A Necromancer " summons a khajiit warrior". he does not say weather he is resurrecting this warrior or if he actually conjured him?

When you level up you get 10 points to add to health, magicka, or stamina.

Stolen horses run away.

Spriggans can heal themselves.



Dragon in flight shooting flames at the player. The player is shooting an arrow at the dragon.

The Player using alchemy equipment from the 3rd person perspective. in the device is a green liquid and gas. the player is hunched over a mortar and pestal. he is wearing a blue/purple robe and a greyish hood which drapes over his shoulders and back a bit.

Female player in the horned helmet and hide armor. she is in a camp of some sort looks like it has a watch tower made of logs.

Lockpicking mini game. looks like a skyrim themed version of the fallout lockpick game.

Player with a companion in a partially flooded dungeon, they are approaching a skeleton that is shackled to a post with water pouring down over him.

A guard with a torch and a full face helmet.

Player dual casting a fire spell in a robe and hood.

Night sky with the northern lights.

Player shooting a bear with an enchanted glowing bow.

A giant mudcrab.




If someone finds some of the screens please share them with us.


I really want to see the robes they described, we haven't seen many robes so far. I'd also like to see the enchanted bow which is supposed to glow, at least I have no idea how an enchanted weapon looks!

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The latest issue of the Official Xbox Magazine has dropped tons of Skyrim details. In addition to all the info revealed earlier by Game Informer, OXM reveals some interesting facts, some key locations and skills that are sure to raise some eyebrows. Here’s the scoop:-


* Telekinesis is an assured spell


* No more agility to build up so you can assume that the game involves less jumping


* There is a perk that will lower the sound of your footsteps.


* When you kill a dragon you’re able to absorb its soul which will give you a new dragon shout ability


* Windhelm is the largest city in the game and is home to the Imperial Guards


* Bleak Falls Barrows is an ancient ancient Nord catacombs which features rivers, tree roots coming through the ceiling and light coming through odd cracks.


* 120 Dungeons and Bethesda claims that ‘no two areas will be alike’.


* The Shivering isles expansion inspired the team that unique, hand-crafted cities, where no two buildings look the same, was the way to go.


* Snow will be recreated unlike any other game before,landscapes realistically get dusted with snow landing in appropriate nooks and crannies.


* Dragon Shouts are ancient words which when uttered by the player, will invoke powerful magic powers. These shouts can be upgraded for a more powerful or lengthier impact. Dragon Shouts can be acquired by finding the word inscriptions on walls or by slaving dragons.


Confirmed Locations:-


* Solitude

* Markarth

* Dawnstar

* Winter Hold

* Windhelm

* Whiterun

* Riften

* Falkreath


Confirmed Skills:-


* Alchemy

* Illusion

* Conjuration

* Destruction

* Restoration

* Alteration

* Enchanting


That’s more than enough info to satisfy all the Elder Scrolls fans out there. But hopefully, the news will keep rolling in. Although we hardly know anything about the game, Skyrim is already shaping up to be one of the most refined and complete RPGs ever.




More info from the forums


* There is a perk that will lower the sound of your footsteps.


* Perk for Axe that enables deeper cuts, which means prolonged bleeding. You can hit someone once and they will eventually bleed out.


* Eventual perk upgrade for Maces that will allow you to hit for full damage, ignoring armor stats.


* The article mentions placing runes on the floor (that we know already) but in particular talks about 'lob a frost rune down and if an enemy wanders over it, shards of ice will be launched through its body'


* Telekinesis is an available spell.


* 'No more agility to build up so don't have to keep jumping around to level up' (I assume they mean no longer skills like acrobatics and athletes but they use the word agility)


* When you kill a dragon you're able to absorb its soul which will make you learn a new dragon shout.


* There is a dragon shout called 'Unrelenting Force' which pushes anything standing directly in front of you backwards.


* Dragon shouts have cooldown periods after each shout performed. Individual shouts will have their own cooldown time.


* In the northern parts of Solitude is the Bard's College. The city is a busy port and there's event similar to bonfire night that has the burning of an effigy of King Olaf.


* Windhelm is the largest city. It has a palace that should look spectacular. This is also apparently the hangout for the Imperial Guards who monitor the path to Morrowind.


* Bleak Falls Barrows is a dungeon, with ancient Nord catacombs which features rivers, tree roots coming through the ceiling and light coming through odd cracks.


* 120 Dungeons and they claim that 'no two areas will be alike'.


* Just to re-confirm this fact straight from Todd Howard. Oblivion had 1 dungeon designer with artists doing the rest. Skyrim has 8 dungeon designers.


* Whole world is hand-crafted. Oblivion had some generated landscapes and there is NONE of that anymore used in Skyrim.


* The Shivering isles expansion inspired the team that unique, hand-crafted cities, where no two buildings look the same, was the way to go.


* Example of a 'Radiant Story'. OXM UK recieved a quest to go to Bleak Falls Barrow and retrieve a golden dragon claw antique and take it back to shopkeeper Lucan. If you killed Lucan, the quest would change to his friend Camilla instead.


* The Snow. Has been a lot of confusion about this. OXM UK says that snowfall is dynamic. Instead of a texture with a bit of white added, landscapes realistically get dusted with snow landing in appropiate nooks and crannies.


* There are one-off puzzles in certain dungeons.


* Example of new AI: 'Wolves have a den. Few times a day they go out and do a patrol and hunt in a pack. If they kill something then they'll hang out there. If you go outside and they're on patrol they will come after you. If they've killed something they will guard that and not chase you down as they want to look after it.



- Todd Howard earlier compared Dragons to Big Daddies, and now explains why: "In theory, you can engage a dragon whenever you see one simply by pelting it as it flies past, but make sure you're ready for the fight." It seems Dragons won't attack you on sight, then.


- Telekinesis is one of the 80 spells in the game. Each spell has more varying effects than the ones we found in Oblivion.


- The "Slow Motion"-shout is apparently the first Dragon Shout you'll learn in the game, or at the very least the first one the OXM crew was shown.


- The "Push"-shout is called "Unrelenting Force".


- There's a cooldown timer for Dragon Shouts, so you won't run around spamming a shout every two seconds. They're very powerful, but they have to be used tactically.


- "Also, if you think you're the only one wandering around Skyrim with the ability to turn words into magic, think again." We don't know whether this refers to the Dragons or the Greybeards, or perhaps even both.


- More talk about how the new combat feels a lot more "real". Hitting a person with a sword is described as "really feeling like you're hitting the flesh with metal".


- Each hand has a quick menu you can access to quickly change whatever you have equipped. It was assumed earlier that the quick menu only allowed you to select loadouts for both hands at the same time.


- When wielding a two-handed weapon, the left trigger (on consoles) can be used to block. When wielding a bow, it can be used to zoom.


- Most wildlife will not immediately attack you once you're spotted. Many creatures, including giants, will ignore you unless you decide to attack them first or earn their ire in some other fashion. However, some natural predators will still attack you on sight. "Don't go trying to shake hands with a Frost Spider."


- They again reiterate the fact that every dungeon is designed by hand, and every dungeon will feel different. They mention certain "eye candy"-moments, such as an underground river or sunlight streaming in through holes in the cave roof.


- Dungeons now come equipped with far more traps, and even some puzzles. The OXM writer describes the dungeon they explored as having an "Indiana Jones-esque vibe".


- Not every Dragon will be found flying through the wild: some will have taken up residence in dungeons or other places. If you stumble upon one of these "bad boys", they won't be content to just let you run off again... You'll have to take them down, or die trying.


- Multiple types of Dragons.


- Further elaboration on the new Radiant A.I., which is a huge step up from the one found in Oblivion. NPC's now have jobs, like woodcutting or smithing, and you can perform these jobs too should you so desire.


- The new Radiant A.I. system also includes a "town economy" feature. Each settlement features its own economy, with a main source of income. The team talked about the settlement of Riverwood, whose financial state you could potentially ruin by sabotaging the town's sawmill.


- There is a new faction system in the game, which the team at Bethesda will be talking about very soon-ish. These "factions" are apparently not the likes we know from Oblivion, such as the Dark Brotherhood. This system runs "deeper". Potentially like the Great Houses in Morrowind.


- There's two new screenshots. One has a Dragon sitting atop the ruins we saw at the end of the Official Trailer, while roaring. The other is a beautiful look at the scenery in the game, with water that looks pretty good.


- Gamereactor, a Swedish magazine, apparently uploads old versions of their magazines to their website. The text isn't in English, but the aforementioned new screenshots can be found on page 28/29. Quality is only so-so, however, probably because they scanned their own magazine.

Edited by Ankleon
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I'm seeing a lot of repeated information here . . . Most of this we already know, but thanks for the new bits! ^^


I took it from two different forums, and they really mention it like 4 times that dungeons aren't copypasted. Hopefully we'll get the scans soon!

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2 days without net and already this. Ok what's new?

New info from OXM magazine:




"And in a promising twist Skyrim is home to werewolves as well as vampires-we are fully expecting the lycanthropy disease to make its long awaited return to the series"

The reviewer was fighter 3 bandits once 2 died the third run away.

Necromancers can resurrect chickens and harvest their eggs.

A Necromancer " summons a khajiit warrior". he does not say weather he is resurrecting this warrior or if he actually conjured him?

When you level up you get 10 points to add to health, magicka, or stamina.

Stolen horses run away.

Spriggans can heal themselves.



Dragon in flight shooting flames at the player. The player is shooting an arrow at the dragon.

The Player using alchemy equipment from the 3rd person perspective. in the device is a green liquid and gas. the player is hunched over a mortar and pestal. he is wearing a blue/purple robe and a greyish hood which drapes over his shoulders and back a bit.

Female player in the horned helmet and hide armor. she is in a camp of some sort looks like it has a watch tower made of logs.

Lockpicking mini game. looks like a skyrim themed version of the fallout lockpick game.

Player with a companion in a partially flooded dungeon, they are approaching a skeleton that is shackled to a post with water pouring down over him.

A guard with a torch and a full face helmet.

Player dual casting a fire spell in a robe and hood.

Night sky with the northern lights.

Player shooting a bear with an enchanted glowing bow.

A giant mudcrab.




And new gameplay featuring a Khajiit with a fluffy tail:


First video - "To the town"


Second Video - "Storm the keep"



Fresh info from Pete:

Each race will have multiple voice actors! (Finally!) -Source

We will see a Skyrim TV ad in a few weeks! -Source

Edited by Iv000
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