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Fondling his "apples" and his daughter... It's not going to turn into incest is it? lol


Na... doubt she'd be up for it lol i'm sure her old mad wouldn't say no. proably try and high five half you half way through :tongue:

How do you know she's not "daddy's" little girl lol.


Hahahaha Skyrim is said to be a strange land (full of wonderful things) :D


Anyways before we all get a little too.. off topic have any of you seen the ice wraiths yet?



It was in the gameplay trailer (not demo), I think?

Woah! Those look like little flying armless and legless dragons. XD

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Woah! Those look like little flying armless and legless dragons. XD


Cool lookin arn't they! :D

Hell yea, mate.

I got a few questions if anybody knows please let me know as well.

1. Remember how in Oblivion after you get to a certain level in either Acrobatics or Blocking you were able to hold block and when you press the jump button depending on the direction you could do a sumersault or a backflip, does anyone know if you'll be able to do that in Skyrim?

2. Does anyone also know if you dual wield any weapon in Skyrim if both weapons will appear holstered on your body, or just one?

Lemme know what you think.

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ha, look at you with the Fing good questions! they have left me dumbstruck! i forgot we could roll in oblivion.

Now i want to know these things too damn it!

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There is no longer acrobatics or athletics so... It's going to either be something you can do from traits or from the get go. Really doubt you'll be able to jump and block or attack. Just jump. Also running backwards and avoiding attacks is out. You'll not be able to outrun anything like that anymore.
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Fondling his "apples" and his daughter... It's not going to turn into incest is it? lol


Na... doubt she'd be up for it lol i'm sure her old mad wouldn't say no. proably try and high five half you half way through :tongue:

How do you know she's not "daddy's" little girl lol.


Hahahaha Skyrim is said to be a strange land (full of wonderful things) :D


Anyways before we all get a little too.. off topic have any of you seen the ice wraiths yet?



It was in the gameplay trailer (not demo), I think?

Woah! Those look like little flying armless and legless dragons. XD

Is it bad i can't stop thinking slaughterfish ghosts when i see them... ono

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Speaking of which in 12 Hours it is my Birthday. As for the video can't you just set your region that way in Steam and on your computer? I remember that is how I got a Steam game early too bad it was in Spanish lol.
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