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Yeah that's what I was planning on doing, replaying vanilla Oblivion so it's fresh in my mind when I start playing in Skyrim.Let's face it, you can't compare it to a modded version, mods allow for way too much customization, you can basically make it so the game caters to your every whim.But I'm going to play Oblivion in it's glory, flaws and all.Not like I can play a modded version anyways since my desktop is toast and all I have is an old, crappy laptop.
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I'm going to play Oblivion in it's glory, flaws and all.



Bravo! I can appreciate that. I'm going to do a lightly modded playthrough in the next couple weeks (new textures and the xp level-up replacement mods).


I'm currently at the limit of 250 esm/esps activated, and I've basically forgotten what the original game is like! It will be good to remember.

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Didn't notice if anyone posted this but Major Spoiler in a way. Skyrim 360 Game manual. And yes you can denock your arrows, it says X to cancel your shot its in. I'm going to let Zaldiir add the rest there is much more info in it. Three I'll give is the Imperial Armor is back from Morrowind and the dialogue has come back. There is brawl and you will fist fight people to get info. Win and you will get the info.

Commands for followers.

-Wait at a specific stop on the ground

-Use an object in the world, such as a lever or a chair

-Attack an enemy

-Open a locked door or container

-Pick up items in the world

Under it, it says "Not all Followers can be commanded, and some may be unable to carry out certain commands. Be warned that guards will hold you responsible for crimes your followers commit."

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with these new command features this could really be a game changer .. wanna be a fighter and still get all the loot? .. make friends with a lockpick export and drag them along ^_^ .. wanna cast spells and keep people from chopping your head off in close up combat? .. drag along a tank and send them out ahead of you in battle.
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Three I'll give is the Imperial Armor is back from Morrowind and the dialogue has come back.


Morrowind-style dialogue options?


EDIT: Yes, I see they outline how dialogue trees work (similar to Morrowind) in the manual. I hope they improved this a bit, because it got a little crazy in Morrowind at times when an NPC had many dialogue options and you unlocked five more options by asking them about something. I remember a number of occasions scrolling through all of the dialogue trying to figure out which dialogue trees I'd exhausted.

Edited by xaliqen
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Three I'll give is the Imperial Armor is back from Morrowind and the dialogue has come back.


Morrowind-style dialogue options?


EDIT: Yes, I see they outline how dialogue trees work (similar to Morrowind) in the manual. I hope they improved this a bit, because it got a little crazy in Morrowind at times when an NPC had many dialogue options and you unlocked five more options by asking them about something. I remember a number of occasions scrolling through all of the dialogue trying to figure out which dialogue trees I'd exhausted.


Didn't mean Morrowind style sorry, but still.Funny thing I told a guy on GI this.


He "As much as I want to I just cant get into Skyrim..... Just doenst hold enough appeal to me. However the new changes do seem kinda interesting."


Me"I can't into Skyrim too. I live in Earth not Tamriel, sorry bad joke. But its not out yet. But I know I'll like Skyrim my fan in me wants the heat turned down a Level to Cold Skyrim, so no more Hot Oblivion."

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with these new command features this could really be a game changer .. wanna be a fighter and still get all the loot? .. make friends with a lockpick export and drag them along ^_^ .. wanna cast spells and keep people from chopping your head off in close up combat? .. drag along a tank and send them out ahead of you in battle.



Yeah this is great! I was going to focus more on magicka the first playthrough so having a mercenary to do most of the heavy combat would be awesome! I was probably going to rely on conjuration anyways though hehe.

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