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i'm on a custom made computer. i doubt i have old drivers. but to be honest i'm not really sure


AMD releases new official drivers once every month, so there can be a lot happening in fairly short times. They have redesigned most of CCC's interface 2 times this year already, which I suspected was the reason to why your info showed differently :)

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Recommended specifications (finally!!!):

Recom PC specs: Win XP/7, quad-core Intel/AMD CPU, 4GB RAM, 6GB HD, DX compat snd card, DX9 vid card w/ 1 GB. GTX 260/Radeon 4890 or higher


EDIT: Those are quite high, though I suppose those are the system specs you need to play the game on a higher graphical detail.


HA! I don't have anything to worry about, but it is good that they got the specs out - a day or so late but i'm content, knowing that all I really have to do is finish the job on my water cooling rig.

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Armor and Weapon repairing is gone?! I know that's gold and stuff, but geez. I want a mod for that now. |:


edit; derp, double post. sorry.

Edited by jhardingame
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i'm sorry if you think you're that much better than everyone else... :\


I dont, but anyone can use google or at least take a look at previous answers instead of flooding away eachothers posts :wacko:


sorry bout that :P just got a bit pissed off that i have to upgrade ma rig even though i thought i had one better than the average...

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