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...It would be good to have merchants, thieves who rob them and such, and less mob spawns in the middle of the road. (there were even Oblivion portals next to the road, it was kind of ridiculous at times).

I found it quite realistic that there were portals next to roads, as it makes more sense that the Daedra would try to cut of the supplies between towns rather than just spawning a portal in the middle of nowhere, harming only the wildlife. :P

But there was no supply to be blocked, merchants didn't exist -.-


Also is the Lord of Time thing a joke? I once attempted to kill him out of boredom but he ran too fast and I was on foot.


'tis a joke. Reference to the fact that he can somehow live for 200 years.

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'tis a joke. Reference to the fact that he can somehow live for 200 years.

just like the "annoying fan"


this cat is proof that cloning has been perfected in TES


Or if you prefer


he's got lots of kids to take up the family tradition :ohdear:

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Unfortunate (for me) that it requires Steam.


Cancelled pre-order.

You don't like Steam?


I have no desire to provide any company with more personal information than necessary, or allow them access to my PC. I also refuse to use EA Origin.


I have no desire to load extraneous software on my PC.


I resent the fact that Bethesda believes they have the right to treat honest customers who are paying full price for a retail software package, including the physical media, like common criminals.


But, to answer your question directly; No, I do not like Steam, nor do I favor the direction PC gaming is trending. I might as well be a (expletive deleted) console gamer.


Thank you for your interest.


Easily the funniest thing I've read in a long time. Would read again.

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No maqi the liar has been in morrowind and oblivion he is beths way of jolting towards all the nay Sayers like he says multiplayer what's that I don't know the noes warrior named leet the ubber or something like that called it coward he doesn't need help


... Huh? :unsure:


EDIT - Oh, now I see what you were writing. :tongue:

Edited by BareFootScholar
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This sucks , At least you will all be able to play Skyrim , This crappy little town i live in won't be getting any Skyrim games in for pc , Only Xbox and playstation , and i was so Pumped. :(
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Also I'd really like to see some improvements in what regards bounty. In Oblivion if you had any bounty it was pointless not to pay the fines or go to jail. You couldn't just flee the town and never go back there because you have bad reputation, you'd have bad reputation everywhere instantly. There was no point in becoming a fugitive, the game wasn't realistic enough for that, every guard from every town could recognize you and would come arrest you on sight. Escaping prison.. what for? You'd have to go back again later on anyway, much easier to just click the bed and get out of jail immediately after. Stealing clothes or items? Why, everyone would magically know they're stolen even if they had never seen them before. It was way too automatic.


Any information about how it's gonna be on Skyrim?

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This sucks , At least you will all be able to play Skyrim , This crappy little town i live in won't be getting any Skyrim games in for pc , Only Xbox and playstation , and i was so Pumped. :(


Don't lose your hope man. I guess you have a post box or that you receive mail in some way? You can order the game from a number of websites.

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Also I'd really like to see some improvements in what regards bounty. In Oblivion if you had any bounty it was pointless not to pay the fines or go to jail. You couldn't just flee the town and never go back there because you have bad reputation, you'd have bad reputation everywhere instantly. There was no point in becoming a fugitive, the game wasn't realistic enough for that, every guard from every town could recognize you and would come arrest you on sight. Escaping prison.. what for? You'd have to go back again later on anyway, much easier to just click the bed and get out of jail immediately after. Stealing clothes or items? Why, everyone would magically know they're stolen even if they had never seen them before. It was way too automatic.


Any information about how it's gonna be on Skyrim?


The bounty will be region locked, which is self explanatory. :)

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