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agreed zaldir. even though it would be beneficial it would break down the realism of the game. and the realism is the backbone of this great game.


An Elder Scrolls game based on realism? No, surely not! :happy:


In my opinion, there is a difference between immersion and realism. I feel that it would be immersive if you used magic to boost your speed up, but not if you could run that fast normally (well, except maybe for a Khajiit - they are cats after all).

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agreed zaldir. even though it would be beneficial it would break down the realism of the game. and the realism is the backbone of this great game.


An Elder Scrolls game based on realism? No, surely not! :happy:


In my opinion, there is a difference between immersion and realism. I feel that it would be immersive if you used magic to boost your speed up, but not if you could run that fast normally (well, except maybe for a Khajiit - they are cats after all).


Yeah, that's what I mean as well.

Realism can be put slightly to side in TES, but Immersion should be prioritized above most other.


And yes, Khajiits should have a faster running speed naturally, as well as Argonians having a faster swimming speed naturally. :) (Not like in Oblivion, where that speed could be reached by Imperials as well. It should be a speed that NO other race could match when maxed out.)

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in my opinion realism and immersion run had and hand. Without immersion, what to say in regards to realism? so to make an argument where one were to put realism on the back burner and only focus on immersion is simply quite contradictory, since they are both feet in the same pair of shoes.
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Immersion is how well you are pulled into the world, and if it works for you, while Realism is more "Does this work in real life?" or "How does this really look in real life?"


Or, to use the true definitions:

Immersion: a state of immersed, which means to involve deeply.

Realism: the ordinary, familiar, or mundane aspects of life are represented in a straightforward or matter-of-fact manner that is presumed to reflect life as it actually is.

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Immersion is how well you are pulled into the world, and if it works for you, while Realism is more "Does this work in real life?" or "How does this really look in real life?"


Or, to use the true definitions:

Immersion: a state of immersed, which means to involve deeply.

Realism: the ordinary, familiar, or mundane aspects of life are represented in a straightforward or matter-of-fact manner that is presumed to reflect life as it actually is.


I hate when they have the base word in the meaning. What if you don't know what the base word means? Oops, another search.

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Personally, mounts is not that important to me other than the game mechanic of reaching destinations faster. Since "speed travel" is going to be used in Skyrim, the game mechanic of horses will be a slightly redundant solution. If I got what i wanted, there would be no "speed travel", that would increase the usefulness of the mounts to many players since they would really require a mount.


Amras0808, on 12 April 2011 - 01:24 AM, said:

Indeed it would XD , but im sure that bethesda wont let u down on mounts, whats a tes game without horses, or any medival RPG


Are you serious? It was a long time ago, but im almost sure that morrowind did not have mounts, and that is still the best TES game i have played. Im entirely sure that the Baldurs Gate series did not have mounts, and that is the best RPG game i have played. I can name countless of others, but i think one example from each of the categories you mentioned is enough. Horses, or any mount, is thus not required for a game to be good.



honestly, ive only played oblivion, and practically no other rpg, and i dont know much about morrowind except for the the fact that its graphics are not great(dont hate im simply stating facts/ my opinion) , mounts, to me are essential, whether u played great games without them or not :P, its a question of immersion, which is " the back bone of tes games XD"


(i dont know how to do the quote thing so i copy pasted XD)

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I'm pretty sure if they put horses in there it will be better than none. Reason I say this is they have the capability to mod the engine to support it, we didn't, we just have the toolset. I'm pretty sure Bethsoft could have put horses like Oblivion in Morrowind but the time was against them and the terrain among others really didn't support it that well. No offense to the modders but if we had the extra tools Bethsoft had then we could do it.
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Personally, I think it made sense not to have horse mounts in Morrowind. The landscape of Vvardenfell was just too harsh, especially with all the violent ash storms and the Blight. I really didn't miss them. Although, having them around Mournhold would certainly have been refreshing.


Having ride-able horses in Cyrodiil and Skyrim, on the other hand, make perfect sense and increase realism and immersion, in my opinion. I seriously hope they have them as steeds in Skyrim. This carriage thing has me a little worried that they won't.


I'm hoping for enormous, Clydesdale-like warhorses that we can deck out in Nordic plate and ride out against the dragons like the knights of old! :biggrin: (sorry, got a little too carried away, there :blush: )


@Comonna Tong: Yay, for the news!!! :woot:

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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