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The eight attribute categories from the previous Elder Scrolls game, Oblivion, have been cut out. Now you only have to worry about your Magicka to cast spells, Health for your hit points, and Stamina, which serves as a limiting factor when pulling off axe slashes and mace bashes in combat.


Hmm, I'm not sure if I agree with this design decision. :confused:

Streamlining things is nice if done in moderation, but to me this looks like they've simplified things a bit too much.

I too, feel this way.Todd says that "You have the same amount of possibilities because you still have Magicka instead of Intelligence and Health instead of Endurance" but what about other factors?What decides how much you get staggered, or how fast your magicka regens?Does your magicak regen at the same rate no matter what?Does every NPC move at the same speed in the world?And what decides how much weight you carry?It all gets more and more depressing the more I think about it.


I really don't see why this should be worrisome. I can think of numerous ways that all these things that are normally handled by stats can be handled by something else. Perks, for one, skill levels can do some of these things perhaps, maybe even percentages of skills raised in a particular archetype contributes to something like magic regen or something else.


I do think the questions are good though. I would like to know the answers to them as well. I just don't think it's anything to be worried about.

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I concur! I really feel bland playing Oblivion. Morrowind still gets to me every time tho. G4 look at Skyrim was very good, tho no new material except maybe confirmation on you getting executing at beginning of the game. Very nice screen shots too.


Got ninja'd !

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There is no hard level cap (at least until you run out of skills to raise), but there is a level at which you stop gaining perks. Todd Howard has told us it was level 50, but at least one of the articles said that the soft cap was 25.


I think the author either made a mistake or was referring to another game and it sort of seemed like he was talking about skyrim. I recall that article and he was talking about Fallout and Oblivion right when he made the statement. It seemed like he was referring to skyrim, but he might not have been.


Anyways, in another article that was a Q&A with Howard he said again that the assumption is that the game is a 1-50 game, though he said something to the effect of "technically it's 70", which sounds like a reference to a hard cap.

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The author of that article compared Fallout and Skyrim a little too much I think.

It's stated that Perks and leveling are very similar to Fallout 3, and I guess he draw the assumption that the level cap is the same as well...


And yes, there is a sort of hard cap at 70-75, as there's no more skills to progress anymore.

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Hm, even some undead can use Dragon Shouts it seems... (Source)


I hope not too many enemies use it, though, that takes away from how unique it is.


maybe they only use it in shout caves where u learn a shout, just to make those caverns a tad bit more challenging. hopefully it will be unique. i mean there are only 20 some shouts or less in caverns, and there are over 120 different caverns so i don't think you should worry too much about everyone using the shouts besides dragons.

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Some very interesting info about magic that I didn't see in the first post:


"he put together a fire spell with an area-of-effect shockwave to add a fire effect to the radial blast. I didn't get a sense of how many different spells will be compatible with each other, but this looks like a pretty fun system to play around with". (source)


"In one hand, he equipped the circle of protection, which warded off the undead foes; in the other, he equipped chain lighting, which blasted foes to pieces. Between how they looked and operated, the magical abilities in Skyrim reminded us of the plasmids in the BioShock series. One of the ways our character could learn new spells was by collecting magical tomes". (source)

Edited by tiny lampe
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Hm, even some undead can use Dragon Shouts it seems... (Source)


I hope not too many enemies use it, though, that takes away from how unique it is.


maybe they only use it in shout caves where u learn a shout, just to make those caverns a tad bit more challenging. hopefully it will be unique. i mean there are only 20 some shouts or less in caverns, and there are over 120 different caverns so i don't think you should worry too much about everyone using the shouts besides dragons.


I remember one of the articles mentioning an "undead dragon priest." Does that mean something like a dracolich or that the undead draugr is a priest of the dragons (since the Nords used to worship dragons)?


If it's the former, it sounds like double trouble to me!

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Found something interesting on Ausgamers here.


Unfortunately we didn’t get an in-depth look at item and inventory management, though we did see that there’s still a weight threshold and a lot of arbitrary junk you can collect, if you so choose.


So we know there's still encumbrance, still don't know how they're going to decide who can carry more weight without attributes though.Maybe it'll be dependent on stamina, or level?

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