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The only thing I'm concerned about (seing how they've been talking about how the use spells and duel-wielding now)


Will I still be able to use my sword and shield, AND cast spells, or will I have to go in my inventory, unequip my shield, and then equip my..say "Heal" spell? That's what I want to know, cause it would be really annoying if I have to go into my inventory EVERY single time just to cast a spell. Hopefully, there are hotkeys or something that helps with that.

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The only thing I'm concerned about (seing how they've been talking about how the use spells and duel-wielding now)


Will I still be able to use my sword and shield, AND cast spells, or will I have to go in my inventory, unequip my shield, and then equip my..say "Heal" spell? That's what I want to know, cause it would be really annoying if I have to go into my inventory EVERY single time just to cast a spell. Hopefully, there are hotkeys or something that helps with that.

Well you can't use a sword and a shield and use spells, because spells now equip like weapons/offhand.There is a new hotkey system that Bethesda claims will make it easy to switch between loadouts, not sure though since I've never seen it in action.Inside Skyrim's Menu System Overhaul on GameInformer says a little bit about this.

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The only thing I'm concerned about (seing how they've been talking about how the use spells and duel-wielding now)


Will I still be able to use my sword and shield, AND cast spells, or will I have to go in my inventory, unequip my shield, and then equip my..say "Heal" spell? That's what I want to know, cause it would be really annoying if I have to go into my inventory EVERY single time just to cast a spell. Hopefully, there are hotkeys or something that helps with that.

Well you can't use a sword and a shield and use spells, because spells now equip like weapons/offhand.There is a new hotkey system that Bethesda claims will make it easy to switch between loadouts, not sure though since I've never seen it in action.Inside Skyrim's Menu System Overhaul on GameInformer says a little bit about this.


Yeah, I would be perfectly fine with being able to set loadouts, then using hotkeys to switch around quickly. Hopefully when(and IF) they come out with a gameplay demo(as in video, not an actual demo :P) soon, we'll be able to see something like this put into context.

Edited by jhardingame
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you can try to catch your enemies on spikes (interactive environments)


I hope this is used sparingly so the game doesn't turn out like Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, where there were conveniently placed spike traps around every corner that you could kick your enemies into. :P

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Where did you hear that you'll never learn why your character is going to be executed? The main developer only said that Beth isn't ready to reveal that quite yet, at least that's what I heard off of the interview video. Edited by Keanumoreira
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Where did you hear that you'll never learn why your character is going to be executed? The main developer only said that Beth isn't ready to reveal that quite yet, and least that's what I heard off of the interview video.


I heard somewhere that you were being executed because you were, for lack of a better term, an illegal immigrant. (And I'm being serious on that one, they said you were gonna be executed for border crossing.)

If I find the link where I heard(or saw) that, I'll link it.


edit: couldn't find the link. meh.

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Where did you hear that you'll never learn why your character is going to be executed? The main developer only said that Beth isn't ready to reveal that quite yet, and least that's what I heard off of the interview video.


I heard somewhere that you were being executed because you were, for lack of a better term, an illegal immigrant. (And I'm being serious on that one, they said you were gonna be executed for border crossing.)

If I find the link where I heard(or saw) that, I'll link it.


edit: couldn't find the link. meh.


I think I may have heard that somewhere too. I know they said something about enclosing the details, or maybe they did change their minds at the last moment. Would make sense as we never know why you were arrested in Oblivion.

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If Skyrim has beards, will Orcs and Khajiits be able to have them?


An argonian, even? With some sort of bearded dragon look?


I believe the orc already has sort of a beard if you look closely enough at the recently released screen, it's sort of a chin beard..Khajiits have always had facial hair, they have hair everywhere, would be cool if instead of beards, they could have different whisker designs or something..I don't think Argonians even grow hair but they might have some sort of facial fins or something like that.

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