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Some very interesting info about magic that I didn't see in the first post:


"he put together a fire spell with an area-of-effect shockwave to add a fire effect to the radial blast. I didn't get a sense of how many different spells will be compatible with each other, but this looks like a pretty fun system to play around with". (source)


"In one hand, he equipped the circle of protection, which warded off the undead foes; in the other, he equipped chain lighting, which blasted foes to pieces. Between how they looked and operated, the magical abilities in Skyrim reminded us of the plasmids in the BioShock series. One of the ways our character could learn new spells was by collecting magical tomes". (source)


Good post, with source and everything.

I think this will be a new and cool system to play with, atleast in a fantasy rpg. However, i really hate how this make magic look. Magic, by comparison to other games/worlds and even to TES itself, is not something that a mage "equips" in one hand to be cast until some other spell is "equipt" in that hand. Magic is the will of the caster manifesting itself on the environment. The mage chooses the appropriate spell and then casts it. This takes planning and focus, which is maintained and aided by hand gestures and sounds.

I realise that the game mechanic is similar in both cases, you choose the spell and then cast it. But the two approches creates large differences as to what magic is and how it works in the game world. If it turns out that my mage in skyrim will be running around with a flaming fist (not a BG reference hehe) as long as any fire type spell is "equiped" then i might not even buy the game at all.

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If Skyrim has beards, will Orcs and Khajiits be able to have them?


An argonian, even? With some sort of bearded dragon look?


I believe the orc already has sort of a beard if you look closely enough at the recently released screen, it's sort of a chin beard..Khajiits have always had facial hair, they have hair everywhere, would be cool if instead of beards, they could have different whisker designs or something..I don't think Argonians even grow hair but they might have some sort of facial fins or something like that.


Hmm, you're right, though it seems to be more stubble if anything else.


Well, obviously, though, I was referring to Khajiits having more prominent facial hair that would resemble a beard. But yes, I could see them making different whisker designs or something of that sort. Whiskers at all would be a nice addition.


Yeah, obviously argonians wouldn't grow hair, but neither does the bearded dragon. But it could mesh perfectly considering they had spines for hair. They could easily add some spines as beards.

Edited by InuyashaFE
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Some very interesting info about magic that I didn't see in the first post:


"he put together a fire spell with an area-of-effect shockwave to add a fire effect to the radial blast. I didn't get a sense of how many different spells will be compatible with each other, but this looks like a pretty fun system to play around with". (source)


"In one hand, he equipped the circle of protection, which warded off the undead foes; in the other, he equipped chain lighting, which blasted foes to pieces. Between how they looked and operated, the magical abilities in Skyrim reminded us of the plasmids in the BioShock series. One of the ways our character could learn new spells was by collecting magical tomes". (source)


Good post, with source and everything.

I think this will be a new and cool system to play with, atleast in a fantasy rpg. However, i really hate how this make magic look. Magic, by comparison to other games/worlds and even to TES itself, is not something that a mage "equips" in one hand to be cast until some other spell is "equipt" in that hand. Magic is the will of the caster manifesting itself on the environment. The mage chooses the appropriate spell and then casts it. This takes planning and focus, which is maintained and aided by hand gestures and sounds.

I realise that the game mechanic is similar in both cases, you choose the spell and then cast it. But the two approches creates large differences as to what magic is and how it works in the game world. If it turns out that my mage in skyrim will be running around with a flaming fist (not a BG reference hehe) as long as any fire type spell is "equiped" then i might not even buy the game at all.


I have been worried about this too...so far Beth wasnt able to make magic feel like real magic..and after i saw the vid where was the burning hand i got a feeling they wont be able to do that this time aswell, it will be the same as in oblivion it seems.


With equiping magic in the hand im still ok as we could say the character is focusing power into his hands but the casting animation is exactly the same style as in oblivion, point and puff point and puff :confused:

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The part where you are almost blind when going from a well lit area to a very dark one as you wait for your eyes to adjust, might be of some use in combat if it's also affecting npcs. Then you could possibly blind your opponents in a dark dungeon with a light spell.
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Where did you hear that you'll never learn why your character is going to be executed? The main developer only said that Beth isn't ready to reveal that quite yet, and least that's what I heard off of the interview video.


I heard somewhere that you were being executed because you were, for lack of a better term, an illegal immigrant. (And I'm being serious on that one, they said you were gonna be executed for border crossing.)

If I find the link where I heard(or saw) that, I'll link it.


edit: couldn't find the link. meh.


I think I may have heard that somewhere too. I know they said something about enclosing the details, or maybe they did change their minds at the last moment. Would make sense as we never know why you were arrested in Oblivion.


Yeah, while I couldn't find the link, I believe Todd Howard mentioned it in the interview where he was sitting by the fire place.

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So we know there's still encumbrance, still don't know how they're going to decide who can carry more weight without attributes though.Maybe it'll be dependent on stamina, or level?


I guess we'll see some Fallout-style on that one, where perks govern how much you can carry.



And about the execution of the player:



search (ctrl+f) for Execution. :)

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Am I dreaming or the warrior who fights against the draughr is using a one handed sword with his two hands ?


(Was'nt realy sure about this : "you can for instance use a one-handed weapon in both hands to increase damage", but now with this screenshot... It seams to be almost certain)


Sounds great for me as i like to roleplay Ithilien like rangers characters.


But maybe i'm wrong... what do you think ?

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Somethings been on my mind, does archery have finishing moves (has it been confirmed)


i can imagine blades loping off heads, or stabing the victime in the chest, but how would marksmen finishimng moves resemble

Edited by Amras0808
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A very good question, indeed! :)

I guess archery will have it too, but I am eager to see how it works out!


And about the perk trees:

It seems every skill will have it's own perk tree, and each tree consist of 10-20 perks (With a total of 280 I think was said earlier, but this may have been lowered...)

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