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Just Got EVE Tips for a Newbie


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Ok,so I just got EVE to take my minds off the immense frustrations New Vegas has given me,Ive read the AWESOME instruction book,read a bunch of articles on how to play and get started,so any more tips and tricks from the local pros? Ill post my name too so if anyone wants to join they can
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Trust no one, No were is safe just safer, ignore most the stuff from the manual cus it crap :P, do the basic tutorial, if something sounds to good to be true IT IS! ( ppl can and will at every chance try to exploit any weakness you show/have to make money from it.
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Welcome to Eve.


Eve's a multiplayer game- thus most fun is had when playing in groups. Try and join up with friends who play, or think about joining a corporation.


Define a general direction in Eve: PvP or PvE.


PvP = player vs player- you can be a pirate or join a null sec alliance and be part of large battles, or spy etc. There is nothing else like PvP action in Eve. It excites feelings and emotions that are hard to describe.


PvE = player vs. environment - you can do missions, mine, manufacture,transport, research etc.


You could do it all together, and trade on the side- there is so much you can do.


Exploring the possibilities in Eve could take you a while, and will be great fun.


I also suggest getting frigate V and Cruiser V soon, which open up a lot of cool ships.


About trusting people in Eve: my experience has been pretty good with people in Eve. All sorts of things happened (which you can check in my blog here at nexus), but few trust issues. I am a reasonably careful person and have managed to avoid most scams.


Nowhere is safe- but most players are pretty safe in high sec. Unless you're carrying expensive cargo in a fragile ship. Nothing you need to be worried about for the first few months. It will not be worth the while for pirates to suicide gank you in high sec.


I could go on for a while here- but best to let you play Eve. Have fun and remember that it is all pixels at the end of the day.


Oh yes: learn to enjoy ships losses and eve will be the best game ever. Enjoy the shakes you get- no other game does it for you.

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So long as you use common sense, and remember that if it looks too good to be true, it probably is, you'll easily be able to avoid most scammers etc, so don't worry too much about that. :)


Do all the missions for all the tutorial agents is my advice, not only will you get to experience a large variety of the different things you can do in Eve (industry, combat, exploration, etc), but you'll get a lot of useful skills and equipment for free as rewards. It's very useful. The epic mission arc is also a good choice for new players, you'll get directed to it at the end of the tutorials I think, the agent who you need to talk to for it is Sister Alitura.


You should also find some friendly people to hang out with, you'll probably have lots of questions at first, so having someone to help you out is very handy. My characters are Jonan Amraphenson and Liara Amraphenson, so get in touch if you need any help with anything. Feel free to join the chat channel PCG Community if I'm not around, the guys who hang out there are a good bunch. A few people from the Nexus sometimes hang out in the XDIN channel too, so you're welcome to stop by.


There are plenty of good corporations who are very helpful for new players too, so you might also consider joining them. Eve University is a well known corp dedicated to teaching new players how to play Eve well, so I highly recommend looking into them. My own corp, PCG Enterprises has a lot of new players too, so you're also welcome to join us if you like :)


See you in space o7

Edited by The_Terminator
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Ive been hanging around the first area,seen a few of the large cap ships too.I can say,my little bantam wont be taking them on.Ive been mining to earn some money,the first area has some good spots with enriched veldpsar and scorite I think.


Im mostly gearing towards PvE so I can make money,IVe read people use frigates well,but most of the ships IVe seen are either larger,or better equipped than I am



My ships are

Bantam-Set up for mining operations,upgraded mining lasers,sheild boosters

Ibis-Upgraded weapons-125mm railgun and civillian rail gun

the little Amarr shuttle for when I have to go a long ways


I made a major oops last night,not thinking I bought a cargo container to haul my ore in,but I didnt check the size and the price was almost 100k,so right now Im nursing my wallet back to its fatness I had.


Ill look into joining Terminator,that wayt I wont feel so exposed when I see the giant ships.

Edited by Azrael120782
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Ive been hanging around the first area,seen a few of the large cap ships too.I can say,my little bantam wont be taking them on.Ive been mining to earn some money,the first area has some good spots with enriched veldpsar and scorite I think.


Im mostly gearing towards PvE so I can make money,IVe read people use frigates well,but most of the ships IVe seen are either larger,or better equipped than I am



My ships are

Bantam-Set up for mining operations,upgraded mining lasers,sheild boosters

Ibis-Upgraded weapons-125mm railgun and civillian rail gun

the little Amarr shuttle for when I have to go a long ways


I made a major oops last night,not thinking I bought a cargo container to haul my ore in,but I didnt check the size and the price was almost 100k,so right now Im nursing my wallet back to its fatness I had.


Ill look into joining Terminator,that wayt I wont feel so exposed when I see the giant ships.


I'd finish the tutorials before joining any corp to be honest. That way you'll be a bit more prepared for the inevitable wars we sometimes end up in. :)

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Ive been hanging around the first area,seen a few of the large cap ships too.I can say,my little bantam wont be taking them on.Ive been mining to earn some money,the first area has some good spots with enriched veldpsar and scorite I think.


Im mostly gearing towards PvE so I can make money,IVe read people use frigates well,but most of the ships IVe seen are either larger,or better equipped than I am



My ships are

Bantam-Set up for mining operations,upgraded mining lasers,sheild boosters

Ibis-Upgraded weapons-125mm railgun and civillian rail gun

the little Amarr shuttle for when I have to go a long ways


I made a major oops last night,not thinking I bought a cargo container to haul my ore in,but I didnt check the size and the price was almost 100k,so right now Im nursing my wallet back to its fatness I had.


Ill look into joining Terminator,that wayt I wont feel so exposed when I see the giant ships.


I'd finish the tutorials before joining any corp to be honest. That way you'll be a bit more prepared for the inevitable wars we sometimes end up in. :)


I just finished the crash course,the rest ill learn as i go:D My Bantam is set up for mining ops so that way I can fatten my wallet back up killing bots is something thats amusing lol but taking on a PVP,id have to try with my noob ship


I bought a basic shipping container and its freaking huge I think,im not sure if it will fit in my Bantam,so Im pretty sure a shuttle run thats 12 systems away to sell it is the best thing to do right?

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OK tips:


#1: do every single tutorial, even the stuff you arent interested in. They award 1 million in ISK and several very useful ships.


#2 pick your path, are you a fleet commander? a business person? a salvager? a miner? Pick a path, because you're gonna be forced to stick to it.


#3 avoid impulse buys, impulse buying a single ship can annihilate your bank account.


#4 Try before you buy, some ships have hidden dangers for an unwary user, others have surprise talents that make them useful well beyond their humble appearance, such as the BattleHulk and the Mining Rokh.


#5 Pick what you need before you buy it, you want a Tengu? train for it because it'll take you six months to earn it. Always make sure to pick a long term goal and work for that, EVE masters play the long game.


#6 Mobility is key, strong mobility is vital even on really large ships.


#7 Go big or go home, a frigate is useless for mission running, you want a Hurricane or Drake for that, maybe even a Scorpion, Dominix or god forbid a Golem if you want to get really hardcore. For solo mission running, cheap and chearful is soon dead and tearful, remember that.


#8 ALWAYS be on guard, attack, pvp or otherwise, can come at any moment and a wise captain always has a plan to get away if things go sour.


#9 Jita IV/IV is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, be on maximum guard, especialy when flying with cargo. I've seen people killed for ten missiles.


#10 Pay attention to politics, EVE is a highly political universe and knowing the likes, dislikes, personalities and tendancies of the Corp leaders in your patch can mean death or glory. especialy when starting out.


#11 GIMPICANE! SPAMDRAKE! RAVE-N! GILTASTROPHE! DOMINIXTRIX! TENG-OWNAGE! L33T-GION! ITER-OWNED! RIFTERS!!! There are some ships in EVE that have a near legendary reputation, pay attention to what players say is a good machine, chances are if you see a lot of them around then a lot of people are using them for a reason;


Iterons are perfect for cargo; cheap, tough, dependable, fast.


Hurricanes are simply awe inspiring for early PVP and even elite PVE; their powerful weaponry, powerful engines, and massive armour make them superb predators. Their extremely low cost to build and repair, paired with excellent firepower and defence, make them a truly potent weapon of war worthy of great respect. Even flown badly, a single Hurricane can mow down virtualy any early mission foe.


Rifters are the heart and soul, and the biggest annoyance, of early pvp. Incredibly, ludicrously cheap at a mere 150,000 ISK apiece, able to carry a large arsenal, and armed

to the teeth, the Rifter forward strike frigate is EVE's alpha small ship, and the best vessel any newbie could purchase. It's the only small ship under 350,000 ISK (not including fitting) that can give cruisers and battlecruisers a run for their money in direct conflict.


Hulks are unparraleled miner boats, and can also put up one hell of a fight if harrassed; the Hulk is like a sleeping bear, looks all cuddly, but I've seen them hunt and kill far more larger, combat oriented ships that tired to steal their ore; going as far as shooting cruisers out of the sky with a combination of deadly strike jets, and powerful Nosferatu. Carebears may be carebears, but they still are bears.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Current Ships

Caldari Badger-cant figure how to train for it so it sits there

Merlin-125MM Gauss Cannons tankish setup sheild boosters extra armor afterburners rockets

my lowly Bantam is my mining rig I tend to hang out a lot in secure sectors so I havent had TOO major of an issue with people harrassing me

I do have another pure mining rig waiting for me,but I might sell it as it has less cap than the bantam

a random shuttle for when I Need a speedy run


Any tips on affordable next tier ships? I had one of those little single turret ships,sold that right off the bat lol. I had seen a ship,Caldaris destroyer class I believe,looked interesting,and ive seen a boat load of them around


ISK in bank? bout 1.2 mill


I learned my lesson on impulse buying now I do my research before I buy lol


I wanna play as a buisness miner salvager kinda thing I hate being stuck to one role I like being able to multitask and the ability to earn money in lots of ways

Edited by Azrael120782
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Dont fly something more expensive then you can loose, but the most important: Try to have fun! Dont try to work to much. It may sound silly now, but eventually you will know what i mean. With this game quite some people can actually fly into this "trap" and it is pitifull. :laugh:

Thats why second, try to find a bunch of poeple to play with. Multiplayer online. :P Ideally it is someone you also know in real life, as chances are less to get screwed over, (yes, even in alliances they do occasionally screw themself over at the top level of it. :laugh:) but i would not be real paranoid either. Again try to have fun. ;) Aslong you observer rule #1: Dont fly something, that you cannot afford to loose, indeed all will be quite fine. Just my take on it for the newbies.


Oh yeah and there probably still should be something around called eve university. If you cannot find anything else or just feel like it, give them a try. They may be able to teach you one thing or two without picking your pocket.


Of which to speak, be extra carefull of anything goonswarm.

They are a crazy bunch without eve would not have been quite the same. Dont listen to them. ;)



PS: Salvaging can be fun , but be carefull who you f... off. After a fight poeple usually dont take to kindly small frigs buzzing in to the field. :laugh: Tho it could be an interesting/quick feed in the beginning, if you get to know chokes and timing.


Learn to use the map and scanner.


Last but not least a small advice from pvp. Got someone in local you dont know?

Asume you are being hunted down.

Always try to stay on top of the situation and stuff. Dont let your guard down. Be quick. :biggrin:

Edited by Nadimos
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