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Just Got EVE Tips for a Newbie


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Not yet, I've been in EVE on and off for quite a while and tend to like to do my own thing at my own pace, if a Corp offers a social framework, then I'll join it, but when taxes climb above 10% or the leader decides to start telling me what I can and cant do, I tend to leave first and say goodbye later.


For the most part I absolutely hate being ordered around-and that's cost me many a corp in the past, the longest I managed to make one work was 9 months, and then the leader decided to break the terms of my hire and sent me into nullsec for PVP ops, and cut my pay 80% to a mere 110,000 ISK per mission- at which point I changed his POS password, self destructed his precious three billion ISK Tengu, and walked out.


Havent been in a corp since either, if I could find a good one, and if the corp stays a corp, I'd gladly join, but if the corp decides I'm either expendable pvp fodder, or am to be oredered about, I'll start breaking necks, bones, and rules until I see things taking on a more acceptable shape..

Edited by Vindekarr
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Lol MAM-C is in need of a few good miners.we avoid PVP is possible,but we will go after somone whos screws with us.were prety easy going,and are looking for people to cover us while we mine.


Mine during the week and thursdays are refining and selling days,payouts are done by if you escort or mine with us,equal cuts,corp gets 5%


If you are mining you have to be there for at least half the op to get paid. I just picked us up and Orca Pilot,and were working towards gaining new members. We tend to avoid Lo-Sec as some of us have had bad experiences


Unfourtantly,Im tied up dealaing with another corp thats player poaching,im trying to get them to leave us alone but theyre hellbent on anoyying us. I fragged the guy who started it but tomorrow Ill know more


EDIT-we really dont want to merge with this corp whos harrassing us,and we wanna stay a small group corp

Edited by Azrael120782
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If you are looking for a good corp to join Vin, my corp PCG Enterprises is always recruiting. Since I'm CEO, I can give you my word that I don't order people around at all :)


[/shameless plug]


Azrael: If you want this other corp dealt with, we might be able to come to an arrangement. My corp members are getting a bit bored atm, so trying out a bit of (cheap) mercenary work might be a nice change. Get in touch with me in-game if you're interested.

Edited by The_Terminator
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How much? Since I bought my Osprey Ive been dirt poor.This is a pretty big Corp and I guess from what our former CEO said,seems like theyve gotten all their members via corp poaching.


I woudlnt say no to an alliance tho,we can help when we can:D


MAM-C is pretty laid back too lol.Just mine and sit and talk in fleet chat or go pirate hunting.


Corp initials are HRU,and we just want em to leave us alone. But I am in the process of working out a diplomatic way if posible but if this doesnt work out,some extra protection would be greatly appreciated


The_Terminator-I shot you a message explaining whats going on with everything

Edited by Azrael120782
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I finaly got my hhands on a Hurricane today, and while it's anything but an effective warship at this early stage, being in something more than 500 metres long feels like a homecoming. It's taking a LOT of getting used to-I used to fly a Drake and a Raven Navy Is. both big slow Caldy missile boats, both basicaly a huge shield generator floating lazily through space launching missiles. The 'Cane feels a lot lively to fly, it's faster, more responsive, and I've got a lot more freedom with the fit, admitedly it's not as tough as a Drake, but frankly I like it just for the speed-it can outpace some cruisers.


As for corps, I'm leaning more towards Terminator's corp as of the moment, the reason being that I'm no miner. When it comes to EVE I'm a fighter and a PI industrialist, mining just doesnt appeal at all and I havent even trained it on my new character. I not all that fond of PVP-I used to be the second in command, field commander, and Chief Of Raids in a PVP focused Guild in Champions Online-a guild that went all the way to the top. After killing fourty nine players in single combat on an unbeaten streak, I hung up my gunslinger pistols for good, bored of PVP in general.(my Munitions/Celestial build was almost unbeatable, gunslinger combat powers gave me the highest DPS in my guild, Celestial's potent healing meant I was also the second strongest tank, while Acrobatics ensured I was almost impossible to hit)


But when it comes to PVE I've certainly got the experience-Im new back to EVE from a long break but I've level capped in half a dozen MMOs and have been playing games since I was nine. I would however say that I tend to be a bit antisocial-normaly that doesnt cause any problems, though I tend to be on the outside of most groups. If you want someone who could one day be quite a useful addition in PVE, Im game, however dont expect me bring light and joy to your world, that will never happen.

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I finaly got my hhands on a Hurricane today, and while it's anything but an effective warship at this early stage, being in something more than 500 metres long feels like a homecoming. It's taking a LOT of getting used to-I used to fly a Drake and a Raven Navy Is. both big slow Caldy missile boats, both basicaly a huge shield generator floating lazily through space launching missiles. The 'Cane feels a lot lively to fly, it's faster, more responsive, and I've got a lot more freedom with the fit, admitedly it's not as tough as a Drake, but frankly I like it just for the speed-it can outpace some cruisers.


As for corps, I'm leaning more towards Terminator's corp as of the moment, the reason being that I'm no miner. When it comes to EVE I'm a fighter and a PI industrialist, mining just doesnt appeal at all and I havent even trained it on my new character. I not all that fond of PVP-I used to be the second in command, field commander, and Chief Of Raids in a PVP focused Guild in Champions Online-a guild that went all the way to the top. After killing fourty nine players in single combat on an unbeaten streak, I hung up my gunslinger pistols for good, bored of PVP in general.(my Munitions/Celestial build was almost unbeatable, gunslinger combat powers gave me the highest DPS in my guild, Celestial's potent healing meant I was also the second strongest tank, while Acrobatics ensured I was almost impossible to hit)


But when it comes to PVE I've certainly got the experience-Im new back to EVE from a long break but I've level capped in half a dozen MMOs and have been playing games since I was nine. I would however say that I tend to be a bit antisocial-normaly that doesnt cause any problems, though I tend to be on the outside of most groups. If you want someone who could one day be quite a useful addition in PVE, Im game, however dont expect me bring light and joy to your world, that will never happen.


lol quite amusing.its alright.we disbanded for now.to shut up Hard Rock University. Well reform in another area away from em

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I had some crazy good luck today-I managed to find a guy who was stopping production of T-1 vessels to move on to making T-2s in lowsec, however he had a lot of surplus stock to get rid of, and I managed to end up taking away eight good T-1 frigates for the price of one.


I also started PI-no profits yet but it's just nice to have a source of passive income, no matter how small. The new interface I can say now is very easy to use, very efficient, and while it's still not the friendliest system, I did atleast manage to start a working operation for 3 million ISK and only two dumb Help Channel questions.

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