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Just Got EVE Tips for a Newbie


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it says that I cant train on trial accounts for the badger,but I tho0ught when you buy the Commissioned Officers Edition that your first month was unlimited like everyone elses or am I wrong?


GOnna have to find a way to source me some 35 bucks soon tho lol I kinda like EVE more than COD and I think its taking FNVs place..



My basic ol' destroyer does a great job on knocking these early level NPCs down,when I outfit my destroyer for a full out combat load like when I have to do the courier missions,I can take down most ships in one or two direct hits.


Find me online,I might be interested in sifting through some stuff to see if I find anything. Im in the market for mostly Hybrid turrets Missiles/Rockets Mining lasers that are low CPU draw MAYBE some skills,Id like to try missiles out but I cant find anyone whos selling the skill book for that.Def looking for affordable ship upgrades lol,I really like my destroyer


Ill keep the badger on standby for now, Ill just leave it packaged for whenever I find the skill book to train that type of ship.


Im keeping my spare Merlin so that way I have an extra ship just in case the poo hits the fan Mythbusters style

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I make no promises of anything useful being there, but I'll have a look through and see if anything is tommorow.


I expect to end up selling a lot of stuff directly to Jita, but if there IS something mining related I'll set it aside.


It's beena while since I played-had to shut my account off a few months ago while moving house and Im a little fuzzy on the details of my trash heap.

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Yes go as big as you can afford to replace.


Like if I lose my Caldari Destroyer,I CAN afford to replace it but Im not gonna like it.


IF youre Caldari like I am,the Merlin makes an excellent combat frigate. BUT for anyrace,train for destroyers as thats what I did and I earned mine and I have to say,its much more useful than my frigates were.

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Actually a Tier II frigate can easily kill a destroyer, my Jaguar is more than a match for most medium vessels, but for mining and salvaging they're great value for money.


For your next step though, work towards a cruiser. Probably a Osprey, it's got the same balance of stats as a destroyer, but they're much more impressive numbers. Secondly, Cruisers are a great defensive vessel, able to take a pounding and still remain spaceworthy.


They are a tad more expensive, around 4 million ish, but that's nothing to what they can earn you.

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Caldari, about 3.5 million for a new one, capable of carrying a good mix of Drones, guns, and mining lasers. It's ideal for any sort of mission requiring a vessel that can hold it's own in battle, but also become a support/logistical vessel, or even mining and salvage boat at a moments notice.


I myself used to own an Osprey, they're a great solid nugget of a ship, very solid. Like a Cormorant on steroids, just a shame they're so damned ugly. And slow.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Caldari, about 3.5 million for a new one, capable of carrying a good mix of Drones, guns, and mining lasers. It's ideal for any sort of mission requiring a vessel that can hold it's own in battle, but also become a support/logistical vessel, or even mining and salvage boat at a moments notice.


I myself used to own an Osprey, they're a great solid nugget of a ship, very solid. Like a Cormorant on steroids, just a shame they're so damned ugly. And slow.



I can buy one but wow the price would def break my bank for quite some time.


Ill look into buying one and training for it.


Pity I cant find any skill books relating to caldari cruisers in my region.


The Commorants pretty slow on its own,i just love it for the turret hardpoints

Edited by Azrael120782
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Caldari Cruiser skillbook should be sold in every region, minus 0.0 space and think its deviod armor sector far SE in empire since it has no school stations. If your caldari and wanting to do combat I would aim for the Drake ASAP, its over powered for lower lvl skill point charactors in missions, pretty descent in pvp to once you have you skills up to in certain situations.


If your going Mining stick with Osprey and then maybe get a low lvl barge.


In eve Bigger is definately not always better, theres to many variables and most descent fit destroyers will tear AF's a new one (well mainly the thrasher(minmater race)).


EDIT: actualy PM me your eve charactor name and Ill sort you out with a drake should have an old one laying around somewhere in caldari space from our LOL drake ops I never use you can have.

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