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What Is Your Preferred Size (MB) for Download Packages


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I am the modder of "On The Edge Of Your Nerves" and "Prewar Classics ... for your Radio" (among other sound editing) mods.

I now noticed that the smaller the uploaded packages size, the more instant downloads i get.

This rather fruststrating, because the bigger package, the more content i provide and the more work i had on editing and research.


I wonder now, if people would prefer smaller packages (e.g. 2 times 50mb instead of one 100mb), or perhaps even smaller.


Of course this question wouldn't only convern my own mods.


So whats you're take on this, as someone downloading?



THX for the replies so far, keep it coming :)

Edited by olafreinhardweyer
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I prefer a single package, regardless of its size. Easier to update/replace and move to another location.
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I prefer a single package too, I hate it when I'm about to download a mod and there's a huge clutter of various files under the 'Files' tab. If it's a excessively huge file to put in a single package you could always mirror it on a separate site.
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I only notice the size when it takes more than a minute or two to download. Then I look and think "well that explains why its taking so long."


But, I also prefer one zip file over multiple files, especially when each file is named something completely different than the name of the mod.

(i.e main.zip / update.zip / update2a.zip / version 1.zip... etc.)

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