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Enable Cut Dialogue ?


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there are alot mods out there that restore cut content , and i just want to know how you enable cut dialogue?

this is not request for a mod to be made, just point me in the right direction,please!

in new vegas are alot of dialogues that just need to be enabled, but no mod covers them yet.

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You need to understand how dialog works, which is a bit goofy. It makes sense if you think of Morrowind, where multiple NPCs could all give you the same conversation topics.


There are generally two places where conversations show up. They are either top level (they are visible right from the NPC's greeting) or they are response options to other conversation topics. If they are top level, then they need to have the top level box checked in the topic quest.


[billy Mays]But wait, there's more![/billy Mays]


Ok, that's not all of it. There are also generally conditions associated with the topics that have to be met before the topic will be visible. One of the obvious conditions is often that the speaker ID has to match the NPC that you want to speak the line. Then there may be script or quest variables that have to be set. The quest itself may start of disabled and may need to be enabled.


It's quests that can make this all very difficult. When I make an NPC, I put all of their converstaions into one quest. That way it's all in one place and it's easy to find. Bethesda doesn't always follow this rule, so conversation options for one NPC might be splattered all through dozens of different quests with little apparent rhyme or reason for it. Cass's dialog is probably the worst. It's an extremely confusing mish-mash in the GECK that is so jumbled and confusing that most modders won't even touch it (she almost never speaks a top level greeting, for example, so whenever you add in top level dialog options they usually don't show up in-game).


If you want to re-enable cut content, the first thing you need to do is figure out if the dialog was intended to be top-level or if it was intended to be reached through other conversation options. Then you need to figure out how it was disabled. For example, if it was a top-level thing they may have simpley unchecked the top-level box so that the dialog never shows up.To re-enable that, all you need to do is check the box. If it was intended to be reached through other conversation options, they may have simply removed that dialog option as a choice in an existing dialog topic. You can fix that by adding it back in as a covnersation choice (assuming you can figure out exactly where it was supposed to be added as a choice). If they added a script or quest variable check that can never come true, you may need to modify the conditions check. Or you may just need to enable the quest. There are lots of possibilities.


Some of the cut content is voiced, some of it isn't. Some of it is really buggy, which was why it was cut. Simply re-enabling it may not be enough. You may need to sort out the bugs in order to make it work.

Edited by madmongo
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