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Base 27


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The following post is mine. Any attempt otherwise is a serious and chargeable crime in which you can be sued. NO COPYRIGHT



sorry bout that but anyway heres like an intro to my idea of a mod. If you read please post what you think of it.



This will probably sound very lame with my wording but its only my second draft.



You pick up a Radio transmition on your pipboy. "This is a Recording. This is Base 27 broadcasting on all requency's.

Anyone who picks up this signal, we require assistance, all lower levels have been quarantined. Containment may soon

be breached. Anyone who picks up this signal please send help. We're dieing down here... we can't let it get out...."

(Message repeats itself over and over again). Hidded Far underground is unimagineable horrors. Witness one of the scariest moments in human history as you personally travel thought the depth will only your gun, a light, and a friend covering you back. And as your compainons slowly die off. Your excitment will soon turn to fear. Will you even escape this madness? Only time will tell in this story of terror, betrayal, and loyalty.





I already have an entire intro script written along with the cast (characters). If people like the idea I will also post this.









Pfc Mark Kazinski, team Medic. Charged with keeping the team healthy and combat worthy, Mark Carries a laser rifle and a 10mm pistol.

He is equiped with low quality body armour and three portalbe cover units. Mark will often make jokes to cope with startly situations


Commander Brandon Dixon, The commander leads with a skill that will have you staring in awe. He is very intelligent and carries a

plasma repeater (possible new weapon). The commander has moderate body armour (and if possible a sholder auto-turret like in iron

man 2).


Sgt. Fin Jackson, Is the demolition and all manner of big guns expert. He carries a gattling laser (or some new type of minigun)and

a fat man. Fin has maximum body armour and all manor of grenades and mines. He is often sarcastic.



Cpl. MacMillan, The Sniper of the squadron. She carries hollowpoint to armour piercing bullets. She of course carries a sniper rifle and

wears moderate body armour. Her visor lets her see almost tripple the distance of the others, she is also the sollow member to carry

industrialised flares capable of lighting up a few miles in diamiter and staying lit for almost 2 hours.


Lt. Bolts, is a Mister Gusty or other robot capable of practical fighting that can talk). He isn't actualy a Lt but thats part of his name

he is armed we a flame thrower, a plasma rifle and a ripper (if possible, new mmesh and tex required). Bolts is a new model of Mr Gustys

invented in recent years therefore he is an incredible shot, and has very high health.


Pfc. Dan Kim, the "assassin" of the group. Wears a newly invented stealthsuit (which he can will on and off, most of the time off to save

power) He has a Concussion Longshot (possible new weapon) that is extremely silent and shoots riples through the air. He also a disinigrater

a blade made of blue energy (could be based off of the halo, energy blade). Dan rarely talks. He is also equiped with grapple hooks and if

possible (may sound stupid) a set of mechanicle wings that can glide but not fly.


On top of the team there may be some marines (that all die very quicly).About 4.


To counter for the huge amount of team members I think it best that early on either the team gets split up or have to continue on to different

ojectives and meet up later after a few men have died.



Thanks for reading :smile: and I hope you respond



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k thanks, also im terrible too! I was planning to be a idea master or something and employ a few people (of course no payment). This would be really hard to do though. many new textures and meshes required. I could PM you the starting script.
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