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Geometric Spells be gone!


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I believe this is added by OOO. And I came across it by accident when I picked up the book in the arcane university, which at the time didn't know it did anything(if I had I could have loaded back a save right then and continued on my way). Now when ever I pick up a gem I learn a new spell. My current character has no use for these spells, and I keep my spell book fairly empty so I don't have to scroll through a bunch of clutter spells I don't use. I've tried deleting these but they get re-added when the gem is picked up again.


Is there a way to unlearn this stuff in game (remove a quest?)so they stop cluttering my spell book? Or how hard would it be to edit or disable the script via CS?






Ok, I found the standalone plugin of geomancy and after messing around with it in tes4snip and the cs I found a script named geomancyenabled with the command "set geomancyenabled to 1" in it which I'm guessing is what happens when you pick up that book.


So I loading up my game and set that back to 0 in the console. Deleted the spells, dropped some gems and picked them up again and nothing. So looks like that did the trick. Even saved and quit and reloaded to make sure it stuck and it seems to have done the trick.


I assume this won't cause any problems down the line? as all I did was deactivate the script correct?

Edited by Morilibus
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