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Auto-fighting stance very annoying


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I press tab to open inventory and whenever I close it, my character goes automatically to a fighting stance and draws the weapon (if no weapon it makes his fists ready). Is it something related to the ini. How can I solve it? Edited by Facebook
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I've had this problem if I Alt + Tab out of the game, but never for just opening up the Inventory. That said, I never really saw it as that big of an issue. I'm not sure what causes the problem, though. Either way is it really that difficult to just hit a button and leave the stance? Messing around with something to fix such a small problem like this strikes me as one of those time when it's a lot easier to make things worse than to make a small thing better.
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I've had this problem if I Alt + Tab out of the game, but never for just opening up the Inventory. That said, I never really saw it as that big of an issue. I'm not sure what causes the problem, though. Either way is it really that difficult to just hit a button and leave the stance? Messing around with something to fix such a small problem like this strikes me as one of those time when it's a lot easier to make things worse than to make a small thing better.

I think it is because of the ini. It is just annoying I press inventory and when I leave and talk to someone he or she likes me less because my weapon is drawn

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Hmm, I'm not sure how to fix it then. If I tab out it resolves itself instantly once I click back to the game. Sorry I can't be of more help. I just haven't had any experience with this issue in the way it is presenting itself to you.

Thank you anyway, for spending your time. By the way it is the first time i see such a thing.

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