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way too little weapons and ammo at the trading areas


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is it just me or is there too little caps and way too little weapons and ammo at the trading areas?



i can understand the merchants you meet on the road not having much caps to buy your stuff, in fact it would make sense if they refused to buy anything from you out on the road, but the trading posts should be better supplied and not run out of caps so quickly IMO



will these merchants that are now out of caps ever have caps again or is that it and they wont get caps unless i give them some because they dont even have anything worth trading / swapping for all the junk / stuff i have collected


if they were trying for representing the situation with some realism then they should take all the guns away from most of those you meet and give them all hand weapons, that would be realistic.


there is no way weapons and ammo should be so scarce at trading posts of all places. (if found anywhere, thats where you should find most of the weapons and ammo in a world like that)


if i knew how to make a mod the first mod i would make is the trading posts would all carry a decent supply of 9mm and 5.56 weapons and at least a few hundred rounds of ammo for each and that should get resupplied / replenished every few days or at least once a week in game time.



i understand that there are special places to get all your guns and ammo but thats totally unrealistic for people living out in a wasteland filled with deadly critters and bad guys shooting everybody in sight they meet, the places you go in the game dont carry enough guns and ammo anywhere you go IMO

Edited by webster63
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can see ammo being scarce


but the dev's neglected to place primers in the world


(some vendors get them occasionally)


However there are mods to correct this.


try this mod http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37344


and if that doesn't help


its probably "a world of pain" that has solved this in my game.

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I've had great luck with this mod, Mr. Money Bags:




He has some weapons and tons of ammo. Plus he has about 30,000 caps to trade with. I love the mod and have really found it handy.

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the merchant restock mod sounds like a good one that i'll have to keep an eye on for a stable completed version but the info sounds like its too much a beta WIP and there are issues from the script editor too



i dont want to corrupt the game files so the moneybags guy should do for now


as for my coments on the guns, well if you dont have ammo you wouldnt drag heavy guns around all the time just "hoping" to find ammo so the guns should be "more" scarce then the ammo



commment on the mod situation:


i do wish the mod makers who need other things for their mod to work would combine what is needed so it works as stand alone mod


IMO there are way too many CTD issues and non working mods from this oversight, granted there are some situations this isnt the best solution but the way i see it a mod should work as-is to be finished

Edited by webster63
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"IMO there are way too many CTD issues and non working mods from this oversight, granted there are some situations this isnt the best solution but the way i see it a mod should work as-is to be finished."


True, but remember NV is still very buggy in and of itself. We don't have the luxury of the Unofficial Patch like for Oblivion. Plus many modders post betas so people will play them to flush out any bugs so they can turn out a final, stable product. It's frustrating at times when you want something specific, but that's the nature of the beast I think. I guess the best thing is to learn to mod yourself, then you can custom make things. At the very least you'll know what it's like to try and get a fully working mod up and running ;)

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"IMO there are way too many CTD issues and non working mods from this oversight, granted there are some situations this isnt the best solution but the way i see it a mod should work as-is to be finished."


True, but remember NV is still very buggy in and of itself. We don't have the luxury of the Unofficial Patch like for Oblivion. Plus many modders post betas so people will play them to flush out any bugs so they can turn out a final, stable product. It's frustrating at times when you want something specific, but that's the nature of the beast I think. I guess the best thing is to learn to mod yourself, then you can custom make things. At the very least you'll know what it's like to try and get a fully working mod up and running ;)



while i am no "mod veteran" i have been modding silent hunter games for a couple years now (just .sim .dat .zon and text files but not hex editing or much texture stuff) but this game has esp files that i dont know how to open up to see whats involved in modding them.


believe me i would love to be able to "see" the game files so i could combine what i like into one mod so is there an "idiots guide" to modding this game? i dont think im dumb but i sometimes have a hard time understanding instructions and so far i havent understood anything about using that GEEK thing so is there anything else that works to open the files

Edited by webster63
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yeah it doesnt have much ammo, and mostly if u r used to 1st person shooters and use some weaps who drain ammo like ..


i made my 1st run in NV on HCmode and didnt rly had ammo problem, i would tell the other way around


1. i was playing 9mm -> 10mm -> cowboy repeater -> .44 -> aer 14 -> myst magnum, mostly targetting heads "quick solution"


2. i thought that there could be ammo problems so from start till end i was picking / buying ammo where i could, and about every few days i made stop in novac to put my items there so i would reset weight and did trade route novac -> primm -> mojave outpust -> 188 TP (here u find 3 merchants) -> crimson caravan company -> gun runners -> freeside (van graffs, mike..) hidden valley.. and some other after trade route i needed to go to novac again to lower weight, sleep for xp bonus and back to "work" =) if u dont have high barter, before u will do some big trade somewhere drink some alcohol for +charisma and use barter magazine (buut not waste em, later u would need them for barter speeches) to weaps / armors dont sell if bellow 40% but "repair" still depend on your repair skill but if its decent u can do nice money from it f.e. in whole trade rte buy all weaps bellow 20% and repair for caps as end with jury rigging u just cant have problem with money thats almost cheat perk repair displacer / ballistic gloves repair with 20caps knuckles to get ~6k eeeehhhmmm


3. as for companions, they need ammo if u give them "your" weapon, but u pretty much dont need to give em anything and they shoot anyway eeehhm


4. difficulty matters cause the higher u play with less ammo u will have,, cause u get still same ammount but mobs need more bullets to die


5. try to avoid any burst weaps and wear ~3weaps with ammos with u, repair weaps for maxxed dmg


prolly told much more than i should, sorry, dont kill me pls, got carried away =)

have fun!

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yeah it doesnt have much ammo, and mostly if u r used to 1st person shooters and use some weaps who drain ammo like ..


i made my 1st run in NV on HCmode and didnt rly had ammo problem, i would tell the other way around



prolly told much more than i should, sorry, dont kill me pls, got carried away =)

have fun!



well this is my third time thru the game, the first time was blindly struggle to figure everything out im supposed to do and learn what the game is like, the second i was just a raging lunatic mass murderer and this time im trying to be a good guy and only kill critters and as little people as i can.


the first two times everybody i met was soon dead and stealing didnt matter so i had lots of ammo but this time i take "nothing" that has to be stolen and not many corpses to rob so i am finding very very limited supply of wepons and ammo anywhere or for sale.


it may be based on what you kill in the game? since i dont have a lot of weapons maybe thats why i dont find any being sold but try fighting those big deathclaws with just a 9mm, 9mm machine gun, 10mm, 10mm machine gun, and cowboy repeater.


i spent 6 doctors bags. 20 something stimpacks. 260 10mm rounds, 367 9mm rounds, and about 5 reloads into the repeater i was always dead having killed one or maybe two deathclaws (usually just one)


i dont even have a clue "why" we have a 22 pistol in the game when it takes a full clip at point blank range to the head to "maybe" get a kill. its THE most useless and pointless weapon in the game since it doesnt have the power to kill anything unless its something locked in a cage so you can shoot at it from safety forever

Edited by webster63
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1. it may be based on what you kill in the game? since i dont have a lot of weapons maybe thats why i dont find any being sold but try fighting those big deathclaws with just a 9mm, 9mm machine gun, 10mm, 10mm machine gun, and cowboy repeater.


2. i spent 6 doctors bags. 20 something stimpacks. 260 10mm rounds, 367 9mm rounds, and about 5 reloads into the repeater i was always dead having killed one or maybe two deathclaws (usually just one)



1. if u want to be good natured fiends come to my mind on map left from vegas they have often weaps and ammos if i remember correctly


2. well deathclaw is endgame mob kinda dont see point rushing to kill em at start -> i was kinda surprised that in that place where is 9of em at one spot 5x normal 2x mother 2x Amale on very hard aer14 crit based and laser based perks cass for whisky perk and 100 survival after i used one slasher (even without psycho - effect stacks i heard) after this "weak" buffs they went down like nothing i was kinda surprised ..


well nothing keeps u from resting days to reset merchants for "new stock" or just get one of mentioned mods for it

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