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Upgrading OBSE from 18 to 19. Now Wrye doesn't start.


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Pretty much what the topic says. I can start the game through OBSE 19 as well as OBMM.

I just can't get Wrye Bash to start. It starts to load and then it gets hung up.

Probably something simple but I tend to over-complicate things.

On the Wrye start up icon in the Mopy file it says "No console".

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There's no earthly reason, that I can think of, why installing a newer version of OBSE would make Wrye Bash fail -- neither is dependent on the other. I suggest you uninstall and reinstall Wrye Bash, including Python.
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Delete pidfile.tmp from your Oblivion\Mopy folder. If the problem persists, or you don't have pidfile.tmp in your Mopy folder, re-install proper.


And yes, Hickory is correct. Your issue is totally unrelated to OBSE.

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Thanks guys!

Hey Hickory! Good to see you!!


Well, I was thinking that I haven't defragged in a while and that maybe my mod files were getting stretched a little too far apart.

Last night I defragged.

Today I click Wrye's icon and voila! I'm back in business! Lol. Simplest fix, ever.


Thanks again Gentlemen!

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