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Weather - All Natural -> (No Day/night effect indoor)


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Hi, I am pretty new in this community, mostly because of a lack of curiosity about this game at first.

I now feel a little bit ashamed because I am realizing by now how far people can go to make their favourite game become even better.


Anyway, I have spent the whole day trying to make a bunch of mods to work, this is my first real experience with these things.

I managed to make work:


Oblivion Mod Manager

Python thingy and wxPython

Wyre Bash


This part was really frustrating at first but I'm trying to get used with adding mods.


So, here's my problem...


I found that mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18305

and thought it would be awesome to get it work to see the day/night effect inside the buildings with transparents windows.

Then, I followed that great tutorial for newbies like me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6NMgb_tf4w


I downloaded the same versions that guy showed in his tutorial, to have the maximum probability to get it work.

Everything goes exactly as in this video till the end.

Nonetheless, when I'm in the game and enter any building at night, the windows are as shiny as in the day...


I really hopes that someone will be able to help me getting it work.

Either I'm mad or.. :wallbash:



Thank you :biggrin:

Edited by WickedCat
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All Natural requires OBSE v19 or above, and that you run the game from the OBSE loader. The tutorial showed OBSE v18.


And what do you mean by the windows are shiny? AN removes fake ambient light sources from vanilla locations and simulates weather day/night time lighting conditions in the interior cell.

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By shiny I'm sure the OP means vanilla windows. i.e. The transparent versions included with All Natural have not been properly installed and/or the OP has not properly used Import Cells when rebuilding the Bashed Patch.


I suggest you start over, this time use the ReadMe that comes with All Natural since it's clear and has all the information you need to make the mod work 100%.

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