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Skyrim Professions - PLEASE READ


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In Skyrim, it is impossible to build a fortune simply by crafting or creating a product. Smithing is not a viable source of income, yet shop keepers manage to run their shops without any trouble. Even if all you do is sell and never buy. This is because you are getting retail price.


In Skyrim Professions, the goal would be to build a life for yourself without ever using a sword. This could range from being the best blacksmith in Whiterun to simply making some money on the side.


Part 1: Material Sources


There would be an option to run your own stall or store, but you don't necessarily need to. Stores stay open by buying low and selling high. They do this through partnerships and deals. One of the first parts of this is buying materials from direct sources such as mines or other stores, assuming you have the right speech skill to manage a partnership or the right amount of coin. Buying in bulk from mines and other sources will allow you to get more for less, but be warned... you will have to provide large amounts of money, because you are buying in bulk.


*However, you can also be the one providing the materials. Materials are in high demand during the civil war*


Part 2: Producing


After you get your materials, however you get them, you will produce your product. While there is no limitation to what you can sell, some things are more valuable in different regions. For instance, collecting creep clusters in Riften and selling them in Riften would not make you much money, but sell them in Morthal or Dawnstar and you might make more, because of the rarity. It all depends on demand and supply.


Part 3: Selling


You will need to take into account supply and demand fundamentals. This will be important whether you are a traveling merchant or stay at home salesman. No matter who you are you will need to be charming and know what to sell where and what to buy where. However, you may not want to simply just own a store. Perhaps you want to be the one supplying all the local stores? One of the big features of this mod will be creating a partnership with the East Empire Company. This will be very useful to sell in bulk, however you won't make as much as retail.


Part 4: Stores and Partnerships


You will be able to make certain partnerships with stores and material sources to be able to sell and buy for less. You will also have lots of competition. Retail will no longer be the smart option. Skyrim professions will allow you to use your wit and a smile to make the most money possible


Thank you for reading

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Trade Routes had the majority of what I was looking for! Thanks for the tip... although, next time I should probably search a little more. Especially considering that first mod is literally called "Professions".... Thanks, anyways, lol

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One of the problems is the many mods adding recipes and prices at whatever the author thinks is reasonable or fun or whatever; leads to almost needing a skyproc patcher afterwards.


A few mod suggestions




somewhat related





and also






when I was doing different playthroughs I did the merchant/craftsman thing, economics of skyrim was a good mod at the time; it has not been updated in forever now though and is actually hidden on the nexus but still available on darkcreations.org - there were some issues with it at the time, I usually disabled the "services" modules for blacksmith/enchanting services by NPCs and it ran fine for me.

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