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Regarding LOOT, Dirty Edits and Bashed Tags


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first of all i have been away from Skyrim for well over a year, closer to 18 months actually, and as such have apparently missed A LOT. my pc was faulty and i couldnt afford repairs for a very long time, and also i admit i had no idea what the problems were. i am just now getting back into it so i am somewhat out of the loop in a lot of areas. the big one that has me confused at the moment it LOOT. (just for the record i am still using NMM, MO doesnt really seem like its absolutely necessary as NMM seems to do all i need it to, but if enough people suggest it i might be pursueded to switch, although learning yet another program isnt a bit desire right now)


way back when when i used BOSS it would tell me what mods required TESVEdit cleaning and which ones required the necessary Bash Tags (Delev and Relev i believe they were called). now i have undergone the basics in learning how to use LOOT sense BOSS is older tech but the thing is that i cant find the info on what mods require cleaning to Bash Tags. a reliable source on youtube informed me that that wasnt really necessary anymore but i am at odds with that assesement, i cant imagine that every mod would be covered in that sense, so how can i detect which mods need that treatment? is it true that i no longer need to do that because i somehow doubt it just because of the sheer amount of mods that are out there now.


thanks for your help in advance, i know teaching someone something this late in the game can be a bit of a pill but i honestly am having a hard time finding this information.

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You still need to clean unintentional "dirty edits" from mods. Whoever told you that you don't....just became less "reliable" as a source of knowledge for load order maintenance. You should be able to view a generated report in LOOT that tells you if any plugins need cleaning.

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