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What will your first character be?


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I got this idea from this thread over in the bethsoft forums.


So Tell me, what will your first character be?


Mine will be a Nord warrior using dual wielding of some sort. I will complete the main quest as quickly as I can, then I will complain about how bad/cheezy it was (jks :laugh: ) and then explore most/all of the dungeons.

My second character will be a khajiit assassin who will do as many of the other quests that he can. He will explore every corner of skyrim (once he is powerful enough :geek: ) And then he will finally do the main quest...


So who will you be??

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My first Character will be a Nord Warrior, wielding a 2-handed sword or axe, and medium armor (or equivalent).

I will do whatever I feel like doing, whether it being doing the main quest, exploring, or doing some of those random side quests.


He will be a honorable man, not a barbarian - though he will look like one. If there is choices in the game, he will take the good choices.


My second character will probably be a test character for my first mod for Skyrim. :P

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