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No knockdown for player


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I love the head-bob feature from this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35615 (py Depth of Field), and ever since I discovered it, this mod has become a must-have for the immersiveness that the head-bob feature creates.


However, there is a glitch that occurs when the player is knocked down. The camera vibrates sporadically, and the player's body moves unpredictably and unnaturally, it really ruins the game anytime it happens.


I'm just looking for a mod that disables the player from ever being knocked down to fix this (that's probably the easiest fix).

But if someone wants to fix the mod I posted a link to, even better (the creator stopped updating years ago). Of all the features from this mod, I only want the head-bob, and if it was disabled anytime the player went into ragdoll, I'm assuming the glitch I posted above would be fixed.

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I think that would be as easy as flagging the player (both male and female) with a check in the 'No knockdown" box, but it might take more than that, or mess with other stuff in-game. I could whip this up in 5 minutes real quick, and you could test it out for me and let me know if it works.


EDIT: Here, try this https://www.dropbox.com/s/ltmt3uww0jwfooa/Standing%20Tall%20%28No%20Knockdowns%20For%20Player%29.rar?dl=0

Edited by SKYZOO
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I really appreciate you making this for me, unfortunatly it didn't work. I am using a realistic weapon damage mod that adds a knockdown to almost all explosions and shooting a mine in front of me still knocked me down (I put your esp last in the load order)

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Well that sucks, it was an easy edit, but I figured too easy to take care of your request. I'd help more if I could, but that's all I got for now. Best of luck, and Goodday.

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