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Reputation Not working


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Ok i seem to be having a number of rep issues.


First I slaughtered camp Forlorn hope for Deep Sea and became vilified with NCR, i also killed a whole lot of them when helping the Powder gangers defend the prison. However for some reason the NCR are not hostile towards me.


Second, on that same note, i assumed completing this quest would raise my rep with the legion however i am still neutral. And i also did the whole series of I Fought the Law quests for the powder gangers and saw no change in rep. So im wondering is this a bug or did i simply not do enough to see my standing change.


If you guys could please shed some light on this and possibly point me to a fix for this it would be much appreciated.

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Ok here is some further info on the matter that might help narrow down the issue.


I am using mods, but i turned them all off and nothing changed.


The NCR do speak to me aggressively so clearly the game recognizes to some degree that im not well liked by them but still they are not hostile.


I am not wearing faction armor, but i did try putting it on an it seems to work properly so when i am wearing powder ganger gear NCR is hostile.


I went out and killed some legion soldiers to become vilified by them and the legion also does not become hostile. So it is not a bug specific to the NCR.


It i only needed to kill 2 legion soldiers to become vilified, i went from neutral to hated after killing one and to vilified after killing the other. Im not sure if this is right but it seems like that was to quick, considering that doing a quest for them didn't change my rep at all as previously mentioned.


Anyway thought that info might be helpful in figuring out what the problem is. I also have the GECK so if you can tell me what to check for, or what to change i can do it. i tried digging around to see what could possibly be wrong, and the only setting that seemed relevant was the track crime option in the faction window which was on for the NCR.


Anyway thanks in advance for the help.

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