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Script compiler


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Does something like this exist? I ask because i have huge problems getting modified scripts (or rather the new .esps with the modified scripts) to save correctly (or at all) with the CS.


It is not an error in the script itself, as it compiles without any messages, but when i want to save the now modified esp it simply doesn't do so (or worse saves it as an empty or faulty esp).

This mostly happens with esps that have more than just Oblivion as a master (even if the scripts don't refer to anything from those masters). This happens with OBSE and non-OBSE scripts, so thats not the problem.


So i am asking if there is another way to compile scripts so i can import the results via Tes4Edit for example...


Another question is about uncompiled scripts... do they work regardless? I have seen quite a few mods that have scripts simply uncompiled, but they seem to work anyway. I usually run into the problem above if i want to recompile them by hand (that i can't save the esp again after recompiling it).


Many thanks for any suggestions (and also as to maybe what i am doing wrong in the CS),

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If you are using Vista or Win7, you might want to modify the TES CS shortcut so it always runs as administrator.


EDIT: PS - Don't ever use the "Compile All" button. It should have been removed from the CS before it was delivered to the community. Anyone that clicks that button immediately blows up their ESP to 2MB in size...basically copies EVERY script in the Oblivion.esm into your .esp...thus making it incompatible with a LOT of other plugins for no reason.

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LHammonds, yep i know all that. Besides i always install my games outside of the default locations anyway.


Maybe i should specify. I do not have problems compiling new scripts or recompiling ones that already exist if they are in an esp that depends on nothing but Oblivion.esm. Could i trick the CS if i simply write the script into a new empty esp, add the needed variables and references, let it compile, and then later using Tes4Edit simply change the referring entries to the real ones?


Thanks for the quick info, but thats not what i was looking for.

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LHammonds, yep i know all that. Besides i always install my games outside of the default locations anyway.


Maybe i should specify. I do not have problems compiling new scripts or recompiling ones that already exist if they are in an esp that depends on nothing but Oblivion.esm. Could i trick the CS if i simply write the script into a new empty esp, add the needed variables and references, let it compile, and then later using Tes4Edit simply change the referring entries to the real ones?


Thanks for the quick info, but thats not what i was looking for.


Find your ConstructionSet.ini (same directory as your oblivion.ini) and change




and see if that helps you.


Edit: Rereading your message, I saw that your specifically have problems with esps that have multiple masters. If those masters (other than oblivion.esm) are esps themselves, you have to esmify (see Tes4Gecko) them first for the CS to be able to save your changes properly.

Edited by Shadowfen
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Thanks for the hint about the allow unsafe, i have not tried that yet. As for the esmify, that did not help at all (i tried in various ways). The only success i had was to trick the script compiler by adding the necessary referencees (in a fake way) to the actual esp and ignore any masters. That is create a new esp, make references, create the script, compile, safe, edit with Tes4Edit so the references point to the actual real references from other esps. That should work, although i did not have the time to in depth test this method and it is obviously a lot more time consuming than the normal way.


I will try the unsafe safe method later when i have more time. Must have overlooked that in the ini, thanks for pointing it out :)


Oh i am just seeing, it already is set to 1 :( so no joy with that setting.


Edit: I know that for the GECK, there is a setting to allow multiple masters and it works fine there. I have not found it for the CS though. Is there a setting for that?

Edited by LordEmm
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