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The Art Of Pickpocketing


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Read the description :D lol...I cant pick pocket at all! im horrible at it!!!! I can look in their pockets, and nothing happens, but as soon as i take something, they catch me, even if im sneaking and no one can see me!!!
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Hmm, sounds about right lol...but i dont get it, sometimes i can see more then other times...like ill check someones pocket and nothing is there, and ill check again, and then something IS there...whats up with that?!
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In addition to the security skill there is also a random element involved (ikt only shows a proportion of their inventory) this may be linked to luck. ie: high luck means you see the good stuff, bad the rubbish stuff
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You get to level up nearly seventy times in the game. It is quite easy to max out on all skills. You do need to make a one point increase in luck with each rise in level from the beginning. Luck can never be increased by more than one.


In fact, though, you can go on adding levels (legitimately) as long as you have money. So even if you've left it late to start, you should be able to get your luck to 100 without cheating.

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Take any of your major skills that are at 100. Obtain or enchant an object that fortifies the skill to over 100 and then go and train in it. You can go on training endlessly as long as you can afford it. Each ten trainings will put you up a level. As far as I know you will get one point to raise luck with each levelling. (More if the other skills are not maximum.)


The higher the level the more health you have and you can reach a level where you are effectively invincible. This might spoil the game for you. But there is no 'cheating' involved IMO.

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