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Which Faction is Best?


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I've already said that the sexism is the thing that I am most opposed to in the Legion(I said that in the last paragraph of post 55). I really don't see a point except for forced reproduction(which I find appalling by the way). Just because I sympathize with the Legion overall doesn't mean I support everything they do, it just means that I think that the pros outweigh the cons, especially when compared to other factions. I'm fine with the brutality, and I understand the slavery, but I don't agree with the sexism. So not ALL Legion apologists support that.
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NCR is the best, here's why:


Legion is made up of slaves who become slavers. What happened to Rome again? 'nuff said.


Mr. House sure is a genius, but he is hardly a human anymore. Letting him control Vegas might seem plausible enough, since he only wants to control that area and start space colonies on his own with a limited number of people, but maybe citizens of New Vegas want something else? He should've gone public and tried to convince poeple on what he's trying to do, at least inform them. People don't even believe his existence until certain actions of the Courier.


NCR is corrupted. NCR doesn't care as much about Vegas citizens as it does about Californians. NCR does try to conquer smaller communities, like Primm. But it's learning, it's grinding its edges. After all, it is a republic.


I'm not even going to talk about Yesman.

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NCR is the best, here's why:


Legion is made up of slaves who become slavers. What happened to Rome again? 'nuff said.


Mr. House sure is a genius, but he is hardly a human anymore. Letting him control Vegas might seem plausible enough, since he only wants to control that area and start space colonies on his own with a limited number of people, but maybe citizens of New Vegas want something else? He should've gone public and tried to convince poeple on what he's trying to do, at least inform them. People don't even believe his existence until certain actions of the Courier.


NCR is corrupted. NCR doesn't care as much about Vegas citizens as it does about Californians. NCR does try to conquer smaller communities, like Primm. But it's learning, it's grinding its edges. After all, it is a republic.


I'm not even going to talk about Yesman.

Yesman doesn't control anything, its the plays choice, not yesmans.


The NCR is trying to return to the same government that caused the wars, how is that possibly a good idea?


None of the major factions are good, a brotherhood/followers alliance would likely be the best now that I think about it.

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Ok, marharth, this is like the 5th time i've had to tell you this, but the Followers don't have the manpower, the weapons, the desire, or the resolve needed to even pose a threat to any of the major factions. The Brotherhood, on the other hand, actually there is no other hand with them. The Brotherhood and the Followers are fundamentally the same, the only difference is that the Brotherhood can put up somewhat of a fight, and the Brotherhood keeps all their tech for themselves while the Followers use it to help people. Even in an alliance, they wouldn't have the manpower to take over even if they wanted to, which the Brotherhood doesn't. They are an introverted society that cares little for the problems of the outsiders.


eLucifer, the NCR is such a corrupt and backwards society(how corrupt and backwards it is myself and others have outlined in previous posts so I won't get into the details), that it can't function well in California, let alone the Mojave. Everyone you talk to about NCR(non-affiliated people that is), tells you that being under their jurisdiction is being a slave in all but name, just talk to the old guy in Primm(forgot his name) after the NCR takes control. By the way, yes, the Roman Empire did fall, all Empires fall, from the Sumerians to the present, every single empire in the history of the world has fallen once it stagnated and stopped conquering(or got it's a** kicked). Point is, every empire will fall unless(Like the British empire) it removes itself from being an empire and thus saves itself from collapse. But befor Rome fell, it was the greatest civilization the world had ever seen before(and some say since), and it has undoubtedly influenced Western society more than any other civilization in the history of the world. Theoretically, if an Empire keeps conquering, maintains it's military power, continually has a purpose, and can ensure a succession of good leaders, it will never fall. The Legion has all of these aspects so far, and Caesar has no intention of letting the Legion stagnate after his death. I know you are going to bring up Lanius, but I've addressed that point about 15 times(maybe more), so read the earlier posts. Finally, the Legion assimilates people in such a way that they lose all of their previous cultural identity and therfore identify completely with the Legion after a few generations. Just look at how many tribes(80-something I think) are now completely Legionized in one man's lifetime! And he's not dead yet!


Now I just want to outline something because of what marharth said


Obviously the best faction would be whichever the Courier chooses to side with, so we are removing him from the equation. Pretty much you pick a faction to gain control and then argue for the faction of your choice's viability. Obviously, some things will have to be addressed then, like the boomers wouldn't have their B-24(or B-29 i can't remember) because they would've stayed in Nellis, Caesar however, wouldn't have died from his brain tumor because he knew where to get the parts for the auto-doc and he could've just had the Legion descend on Vault 30-something(can't remember, in case you can't tell I haven't played FoNV for a while), Kimball would've been assassinated because if the player wasn't there the assassins would've succeeded(the sniper especially), and there are other instances that could just be logically figured out, just figure out what would've happened if the player didn't get involved.


One final note, I'm not going to be posting for a while(I've got a busy summer), so your Legion-bashing will have to go unanswered for a while unless someone else defends them.

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NCR is the best, here's why:


Legion is made up of slaves who become slavers. What happened to Rome again? 'nuff said.


Mr. House sure is a genius, but he is hardly a human anymore. Letting him control Vegas might seem plausible enough, since he only wants to control that area and start space colonies on his own with a limited number of people, but maybe citizens of New Vegas want something else? He should've gone public and tried to convince poeple on what he's trying to do, at least inform them. People don't even believe his existence until certain actions of the Courier.


NCR is corrupted. NCR doesn't care as much about Vegas citizens as it does about Californians. NCR does try to conquer smaller communities, like Primm. But it's learning, it's grinding its edges. After all, it is a republic.


I'm not even going to talk about Yesman.

Yesman doesn't control anything, its the plays choice, not yesmans.


The NCR is trying to return to the same government that caused the wars, how is that possibly a good idea?


None of the major factions are good, a brotherhood/followers alliance would likely be the best now that I think about it.



First of all, I know Yesman does not control but lets the player assume it, that why exactly it's a bad idea. It's the closest thing to monarchy.


The US government didn't start the wars, the whole world did, supposedly. Actually, it was the aliens, they triggered the event.


Brotherhood are preservists, Followers are people who help others, but they can't even help themselves. I have no idea how they survived so far. Anyways, the two factions can never even combine.

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Followers are people who help others, but they can't even help themselves. I have no idea how they survived so far.


Edited by mdingman
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Im unsure about the Factions in NV on the whole really, but there are other factors to Consider, like DC and the Midwest.


Even the places like Florida nad its surrounding areas and Canada are yet to be explored. Who knows, there may be thriving Civilisations there already that are slowly growing like the NCR is.


The BoS of the Capital Wasteland could be a large power by the time of 2281if the canon history details the Water purifier, was not touched by the Enclave FEV AND the Mobile base was destoyed.


Im sure the BoS would look Very attractive to the surrounding communities thus swell in numbers to allow growth. Thier "partnership" with Rivet City might develop into a alliance of resources n such that they become allies for the long run.


And if you tell Elder Lyons of the Vault 87 as the main source of FEV in the DC area, they would bound to do a assault on the Vault and destoryng the known source of FEV in the area.


Also The Pitt would be ideal for the sheer number of people there and its industrial ability to create resources and mateiral.


Sorry for going on about Fallout 3 instead of NV, but I think there is a possibility that the BoS of DC might be something of a Power in the East coast and may have a better chance of frequent 2 way communication with the Midwest BoS and the original ones in California IF the NCR or legion dont destory them.


I would like to see the American Brotherhood Empire or something develop.

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I don't much care for the NCR. Corrupt democracy was probably one of the main causes of the nuclear war in the first place. Not to badmouth democracy, but it is very easily corruptable. An autocracy led by a compent leader is far more effective than a democracy. A competant Autocray can in most cases make desicions faster.


I found it astounding that the NCR has so much bureaucracy in a post-apocalypic world.


I would however like to see rule under House, more than the Legion. The Legion my be effeciant, but their so goddamn uptight about everything. IMO

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Is's possible that the BoS from FO3 could become a major power seeing as how they are more open to outsiders, but it would be a long time before they cross the whole country.


Yes, the Legion is uptight, but you need to be uptight to have a strong society which is necessary for the empire caesar is building.

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I know that post sounds really stupid, and I remember that day and I was already angry wen i posted that, and some people voted without making a case for their faction. Anyways, up to that point nobody had really put up a good arguement 4 the NCR, since then Lt. Albrecht has put up a strong argument for them. I admit that post was wrong and riddled with fallacies, but you need to move past that and look at the larger discussion. Also, if people don't give a crap about what other people think, then they shouldn't be on this topic at all, since the point of it is debating the merits of the different factions. And, yes, the followers aren't a militaristic organization, that was, and is, exactly my point. They wouldn't be able to gain control of the Mojave, let alone keep control. It would be like the Red Cross trying to take over Russia by force.


But they aren't trying to take over the Mojave, are they? No. They are the best at what they are trying to do, which is help people. They have no competition, and people always welcome them. The NCR is trying to take over the whole place, and well, they need player help to do it. Same with the Legion, and the Boomers, and House, and so on. The Followers... sure, they'd welcome some assistance, but it isn't exactly needed to achieve their goals.

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