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Need help with Moonshadow Elves Options


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Okay, so I'm a total noob, but I did read the readme thoroughly and it says to turn off the Moonshadow Blossom effect even with the script, that you click the little paint thing in your inventory called #MoonShadow Options. So I do, but nothing happens, just a message saying "You cannot equip this item." , no option menu appears either during or after exiting the inventory. Could anyone perhaps tell me how I do this? =(
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Thank you for your suggestion, but unfortunately it still didn't work. Is there just no way to turn off the Moonshadow Blossom effect? I really want my character to be a moonshadow elf, while at the same time I have cm companions who require the script-based esp, so if I use the no-script esp version, I won't be able to have those companions =/
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