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Wrye Bash won't start anymore... "already started"


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I've been using Wrye Bash for a long time, including the computer I'm currently using it on, and it was working fine, until some time recently.


Before I couldn't get it to start, unless I did the procedure to generate a bugdump...at which point it would start and seemed to function normally. But it didn't actually create a bugdump. Now when do the same thing, it just says "already started" and then exits. Still no bugdump. (It's supposed to be a file called bash.log in ~/Oblivion/Mopy, right?) I don't know what I did recently to cause the change. Any ideas?


Using Win7 64, Wrye Bash 290(?), Python 2.6

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Is there anyway to make Wrye Bash auto-delete that file?


It does it upon a normal (Hit X in corner) exit, but when you have Auto-Exit on (Because there is no reason to have it running while Oblivion is running as far as I know) it doesn't.


Very annoying, but harmless.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is there anyway to make Wrye Bash auto-delete that file?


It does it upon a normal (Hit X in corner) exit, but when you have Auto-Exit on (Because there is no reason to have it running while Oblivion is running as far as I know) it doesn't.


Very annoying, but harmless.


The latest version of Wrye Bash (291) addresses this issue.

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