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Oblivion pose problem


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I didn't make any scripts or something like that. Just added the meshes and textures in Cs. I didn't even touched the default spell:( which is pretty useless btw.

And I don't think that the race is the problem since I played almost 50 hours with Aerith and the poses worked just fine until this morning. And yes, yesterday they worked and I have my race activated.

Edited by Kjkirimi
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Ok, I think I lost it there for a while -- my comment to you about the Moonshadow elves esp was meant to go to another person in another thread, so you can slap me and ignore that! :wallbash: Sorry, and yeah, I hate it when that happens! :whistling:



Ok, back to your pose problem: Do you have your pose crystals assigned to keys? If so, do the keys produce the dialog?

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Ok, this one has me scratching my head. Here's what I suggest: make sure you quit to the desktop, then start the game up again and create a new game. In the prison cell, once the crystals are in your inventory, try a pose. If it works, there is a problem with your saved game. If it doesn't work, then there's a problem with your mod installation.
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I use OBMM too, but not for arranging mods -- it's far too clunky once you hve more than a couple of dozen mods, and BOSS has the advantage of automating the process, and with expert load order lists and Bash suggestions. Nowadays, I only use OBMM for installing and creating OMODs, since Wrye Bash is superior in every other respect.
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