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Custom Starter kit mod


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That's a great RP idea there OpenWorldAddict,


Feel free to not use the console, but it really is the only way to do it. It ain't hard. But when I start games I often choose not to learn the console (to keep me from cheating)


but typing "help" and then any word of an object you want it is pretty easy. You get a code, leather armor has "0003619E" code you type code like :

player.additem 0003619E 1


and boom you have one leather armor set. Close console with ~ key and you are off!

Because it is so easy, I don't see Mod Makers do it anytime soon. But maybe you can suggest it to the author of Alternative Start Mod?

the problem i have is finding in the information for items added by mods, like the cloaks added by Winter is Coming, or the tents added by frostfall, or the waterskins added by Ineed and other basic needs mods. Vanilla items I've had no problem with, those modded items have given me a lot of problems finding them with the console. That is why the starter kit mods frankfamily has suggested don't work for me, because they don't include items added by mods.


Having it at helgen doesn't help either, because I rarely ever use the vanilla start for my roleplays.


I'll swing by the comments section of the random alternate start, hall of beginnings, and Ultimate Immersive Classes mod pages to ask the authors of those mods if they include modded items in their starter kits. If they do, that might be okay solution to the problem, but otherwise...

Edited by OpenWorldAddict
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My mod will include spells, armor, and weapons added by mods and give you a few crafting items to make things like tents and cloaks from.



It looks good, but wouldn't it conflict with the character class mod I use (character creation overhaul?)

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Here's another option you MIGHT want to consider. It's not what you want in terms of level of supplies, and it sets a character "class" for you but this is a really interesting Alternate Start mod that's been largely forgotten about and is definitely different from Live Another Life:


Altered Beginnings: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34505/?



And since there's no pics, the YouTube video about it:

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I've tried all the alternate start and class kit mods and none of them do what I want. The only thing that comes close is Ultimate Immersive Classes, but that only integrates items from Frostfall and Imps More Complex Needs (which I don't use.) On top of that, it hasn't been updated in a long time, and author and his website have gone missing.

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the problem i have is finding in the information for items added by mods, like the cloaks added by Winter is Coming, or the tents added by frostfall, or the waterskins added by Ineed and other basic needs mods. Vanilla items I've had no problem with, those modded items have given me a lot of problems finding them with the console. That is why the starter kit mods frankfamily has suggested don't work for me, because they don't include items added by mods.


It's possible some kind soul will make a mod like that but not super likely (it's going to have to be either tuned to your specific load order/wishes or be a massively broad project that scans other mods at runtime and presents results in a nice searchable mcm menu which is quite the undertaking). Conversely, learning how to pick a particular item from a particular mod is a skill you'll enjoy for as long as you play skyrim and many other Beth games and costs very little time. There's more than one way to skin a cat, but since you don't like the console, we will do everything outside of skyrim, make a little batch file, and finally load your starter kit with one command.


1) load up all your mods in Tes5edit, which I assume you have installed because mod cleaning, and fire up notepad alongside it

2) when your mods have fully loaded, click the [+] in front of the mod you want stuff from. The FormID of items (that 8 hex character string you also use for player.additem commands) is what you're looking for, and the items you want will be under specific subsections. Armor, Misc. Item, Ingestible, Ammunition, Weapon are all places where mods store that fun stuff you want - maybe other places too, you can't break anything just by looking. Poke around a bit. Jot down the full formID in notepad for each item you want to add to your starter pack (this works for mods and the skyrim main file and the DLCs)

3) once you have a set of items in notepad that pleases you, add the familar player.additem in front of the FormID and if you want more than one, the desired amount at the end. For instance, to start with 500 extra gold and a nice bow from immersive weapons using MY particular mod load order at the time, your notepad file would look like


player.additem 0000000F 500 (starting two digits are "00" or the mod in the first load position or skyrim.esm)

player.additem 2D0076C4 (starting two digits are "2D" or the mod in position 45 when converting from hex or in my load order "immersive weapons.esp")


Be aware that if your load order changes, you may have to review this file because the mods will have different places and thus starting digits.


4) save this file as starterpack.txt (or whatever you prefer) in your main skyrim folder (where TESV.exe lives)

5) run skyrim, open the console, and type


bat starterpack


Finished. You can build a ton of different starterpacks this way. I hope that made sense.

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