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Thats cool!

When I finish the building kits I will be assembling them into large buildings then taking screenshots of each side. Then I will make a very low poly version and applying those images (scaled down to a very small size) to each side of the LOD building. The New York mod will have a lot of buildings so the LOD will be very simple so save on performance.


I am planning on accepting people into a team on this project so you could make some LOD if you like. That building you made looks quite good, do you have any other examples of buildings you've made?


Ha! That's practically how I make my LOD as well. xD Had to do that in order to make some LOD for the sassafras trees(strangely enough, with all the new static tree models in the game, only a few of them had LOD)

As far as other buildings, that's pretty much all I have for now as I'm working all over the place with college, a job, my own personal large-scale project, some misc. sound-designing/music composing, and the building resource I'm working on, so I'm not like on a 'lets get this done' type schedule as you seem to be. When I do design some more(which, I am actually modeling after the designs used in Fallout 3 as far as 'feel' go) I'll be sure to send some pics you're way. But it's def. nice to know someone else is working on an Urban City, as that was the one thing I missed in New Vegas from Fallout 3. And I will more than be happy to help in any way if you ever need it. Like I said, I'm not on my own personal set schedule, but when it comes to helping others with projects I'm interested in, I'm more than happy to put them up at the forefront and help out.

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Thanks for the files Speedy!


The preview shots look good. The towers give the place a real closed in feeling. How about the art deco look? Are you going to try and match the designs with the fallout 1/2/3 look, or lean more towards a more recognizable modern New York look? New York itself has lots art deco architecture itself that wouldn't be that far from the Fallout ethos. Heck, the centerpiece of your mod is one of the icons of art deco!


There are a lot of nice assets in Yhe game already that could be integrated into buildings. Well, maybe in Fallout 3 mostly...

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I've been doing a lot of art deco research. My brother is doing a lot of concept art for the mod so I will be working from that. The storefronts will be very art deco, sort of Fallout 3 + Bioshock + New York.

I will have to do some research into the empire state building interior to make sure I get that right.

Edited by SpeedyB64
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The interior could be very fun. More than a hundred floors! I wonder if we could build all that into one cell with your elevator? Perhaps a little fanciful. It would also be more enjoyable for the player to have to explore the levels on foot. An elevator makes it too easy. Are you planning some kind of faction at the top or within the ruins somewhere?
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Man, that is a real shame, I was planning on creating such a project, it was going to be inteior/exterior and the single building 9Empire State) with sorrounding destroyed buildings to create the maps barirer. the player would be able to climb the destroyed building finding two fighting factions, one holding the top so that the bottom faction couldn't get out the the lower floors. (the top would be the only exit).

I would have made it so even the building itself was in pieces, with some of the floor on slants and some of the floor completly missing from crumbling away, ahwell, looks like it is too late for me.


I will just continue working on my Colonised Freeside module.

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Hi, I thought I would just upload some pictuers of a quick 99 story building I made in like a minute inj the geck, just to show youy the scale of it all ingame, thought it would be funny.


From bottom:




From side:




The View:




looking Down:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Work on the building assets has been slow. But I've started making some storefronts for the buildings. After that I will make more trim, the damaged sections and other bits and pieces.



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Hey Speedy,


Are you still looking for people to help out on your New York mod?


I've generated a lot of LOD for my Boulder Dome mod, and it works fine for me. I find dividing the world up into multiple worldspaces makes it easier, which isn't too difficult in a ruined city, as a collapsed building could provide a boundary. Then you link to the next worldspace through an interior or something. That way you can generate your LOD in manageable chunks.


I really like your ideas for New York. I was thinking about remaking my Dog City mod to be more up-in-the buildings, like I originally intended, but I'd be happy to work with you on this project instead.


I can do anything I want in scripting, and I know my way around all aspects of the Geck, and I can make new armors and creatures pretty easily. I'm still learning, but I think I could help, depending on what your own skills are and what you need.



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That sounds pretty good Rob. At the moment I am still making the base assets the mod will need another couple weeks before the mod itself gets into production.

Once I have enough resources made I will need some help with building the mod. Your LOD experience would be great to have since LOD will greatly enhance the look of the mod.

The mod will focus around about 6 blocks of the city with other small worldspaces around it for certain places so the LOD should be manageable.

Once everything is ready I will put the assets into an .esm and then anyone can work on the mod with .esp files that I can merge in once a section is done.


I'll probably make a new thread for this project sometime soon.

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