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Could not find hair (04000EDC) for race 'chocolate elfCOPY0000 (04


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What you are missing is details. Perhaps you should take stock, start again, and put into words exactly what your issue is with enough details that onlookers can determine how to go about helping you. And never put your problem in the subject line, which should be a very brief note about the issue. Something like 'Construction Set errors while editing'.
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When the esp loads it is missing a hair, plain and simple. Let me guess. The "copy" at the end of the race is a dead giveaway that the race has been copied over to another esp. Somewhere along the looong copy-paste line, one hair got lost. It is in the hair list of the race, but not in the new esp. So the esp is missing a hair ID. You can not just copy paste a race over to another mod without copy posting Every. Single.Hair. in the "characters->hair" list. Edited by chakaru11
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