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Constant Slashing Sound


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As the title and description say, I am experiencing some extremely odd sounds throughout the game. It sounds as if something is splashing, like an enemy spraying some toxic liquid at me or someone jumping in a pool of water. I have no idea what it's from, nor why it will not cease. I've tried fast traveling across the map, going into building, etc... To no avail. The only mods I am running are the NVSE, MTUI, and Primary Needs HUD. I have not gone in and played with the GECK or touched the new vegas main esm at all.


If anyone could shed light as to what is causing this extremely annoying sound and how I could resolve it, I would be greatly appreciative.



EDIT: Well, opening console and typing "tcg" seemed to have fixed it. I still have no idea what caused the issue.

Edited by Domas
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