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The game Morrowind licensed resources from other game developers for use specifically in Morrowind. Their license did not extend to using them in other games. Therefore, using them in Oblivion constituted a breach of contract.
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The game Morrowind licensed resources from other game developers for use specifically in Morrowind. Their license did not extend to using them in other games. Therefore, using them in Oblivion constituted a breach of contract.


Is that all it was? Does Oblivion contain those kind of resources? I'd like to see Oblivyrim.

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I suggest you forget it. Bethesda won't allow such cross-porting in any case.


Do you know that for sure? Did that element factor into the Morroblivion issue, or was it just the liscensed material? After all, Morroblivion is still available for download, and there are mods that import Morrowind models/textures into Oblivion (not that you'd want them anyway).

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What exactely do you mean by "is that all it was"? It is more than enough to kill a project in it's tracks. Of corse people who want to find it will find it, but the whole enthusiasm behind the mod was taken away by the fact that Morroblivion is now ripped content and no longer allowed around here. The way it is now it's not even halfway done and it will probably never be finished because the whole thing could be taken down any minute.


and there are mods that import Morrowind models/textures into Oblivion


Oh really? Around here on the Nexus? I doubt that. Because that is exactely the thing that broke Morroblilvion's neck. Because the program to convert these meshes is considered illegal now.

Edited by chakaru11
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...please don't go on about this. It's not allowed. period. Bethesda Softworks has asked this site remove the project a few years ago and nexus did so as they've never ever asked anything else at all. Any ported material between games is not allowed with any game and that counts for every company and every game unless you get the explicit agreement by the company itself. As this site is the main example of modding it's monitored some more and rules are kept strictly to prevent this 2 million + community from disappearing. If your refer to any morrowind things shared here it's all made from scratch here, if any few mods aren't they've simply not been spotted yet. Any MB-mods on nexus are mostly quests/data and don't contain any models/textures and thus are just fine to the rules.


If you want permission go ask bethesda and presumably fail. You could actually just post it on the official forums, although there's a good chance the thread itself might be deleted if it contains MB.

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:unsure: Sorry dad, I was just asking the question. There isn't a legal repercussion for that, is there?


But now that I know the answer, I am 100% less likely to screw-over the site in about three years or however long it would take, if I chose to move ahead with it. Thank you.

Edited by Jermungand
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There is no need for a reply like that. You asked, you got an anwer. No Morroblivion here. You'll live.
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There is no need for a reply like that. You asked, you got an anwer. No Morroblivion here. You'll live.


You're right, that didn't come out very nicely at all. I suppose the old tongue and cheek commentary does come across as a lot more rude when typed out than it does in real life. I should really watch that stuff. Sorry I sounded so unduly harsh.


On the other hand, I do think we could stay a little more chill. It's not like it's illegal to talk about an idea, however illegal it might be. I feel like this subject was being viewed from a bit of an unnecessarily phobic angle. It's not as if talking about this is going to cause any trouble. It really won't. We don't need to get worked up over this.


That's where I was coming from. Sorry again for sounding out of line.

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