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My Character has a skin disease


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I'm pretty sure those lighter areas on his arm and abdomen are supposed to be fingernails.




Believe it or not, I couldn't reinstall. I couldn't uninstall. Uninstaller thought I should upgrade 8.1 to at least Win 98SE or better yet, XP.



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I'll give you points for one thing ... when you venture off the straight and narrow you don't mess around. You definitely opted for the full meal deal this time.


From the mod description for Abriael's Human Races Revamped:


"An important detail: this race mod aims to improve the looks of female characters ONLY. The male version of "Abriael's humans" is not supposed to be used. If you want your character to be male you'll be much better off using the vanilla version."


Even if a mod doesn't say "female only" if it says HGEC or EyeCandy it's female only (there is no version of HGEC that I've ever laid eyes on at least).


As I said, the way the textures are applied to the body mesh is completely different from vanilla, HGEC and Roberts male or female. Vanilla uses four texture files, HGEC uses two and Roberts uses one.

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When you wear armor or clothes those meshes "become" the body part they cover. All meshes that cover a body part will have the property "skin" set for any exposed skin areas. If it's a vanilla mesh it will use vanilla textures for the exposed skin areas ... if the piece was designed for Roberts male it will use Roberts male textures for the exposed skin.


If you don't have Roberts male skin textures installed and you use a Roberts male clothing/armor mesh then the game will use the vanilla foot texture on any and all exposed skin areas.

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That makes sense, but I'm not sure how to apply it here. Theoretically, if I were to make a skin, would I make a single texture to override the Robert's male or two textures to override the the HGEC for the male body. And if I do make two textures, would I be overriding the HGEC females at the same time? Keep in mind I have no idea how to make a texture anyway.




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Ah, you are now venturing outside my paygrade too. I've made it as far as downloading an older version of GIMP though (notice I didn't mention anything about actually installing it though). The complex relationship between race records, mesh texture paths and skin properties and actual texture DDS files is something that someone like DrakeTheDragon is far better suited to explain.

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