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[Help] Simple multiple followers crashing my game when hiring a follower.


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For some strange reason the mod started crashing whenever I hire a follower with me, it has been always working and suddenly it just crashes my game whenever i hire a follower, can anyone help me with this ?

I disabled the mod and the followers are free to move with me, but whenever i enable it it ALWAYS crashes, I NEVER had this problem before with this mod and seeing it just suddenly appear is annoying.

If your going to say that unprotected followers are incompatible with the mod, its not true since the mods always worked with each other no problem.

The only mod I installed after this one were Bandolier bags and pouches and thats it.

Edited by jygg4lag
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Hey jygg4lag,


You say you've only just installed Bandoliers: Bags and Pouches? I've looked at your List and realised you didn't install the optional files for making it compatible with Male Armours. Also you may want to try taking a look at this. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49195/?


Simply put, it may not be the follower mod that's causing the problem but the Bandoliers. For instance something loading on the follower that the games isn't patched for. Try disabling Bandoliers and see if that also fixes the problem. If it does simply install the patches and sorted. If not then it's likely something has changed a file reguarding followers and that's causing the problem.


Been a while since I used Bandoliers. Does it have a Installation Menu? Where you choose options? If so, does it have an option reguarding followers or patches built in? Because you could have selected a patch for something that you haven't got installed.


Anyway just a few exmaples of things that could go wrong.



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