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OBSE Mods, how do I get them working?


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Basically when it comes to getting OBSE mods to work, I haven't a clue.


I have the latest version of Oblivion Script extender installed, I have a mod that requires OBSE, but I don't know what to do differently to get it working. I tried installing the mod using OBMM but it had no effect so I assume that's not what I'm supposed to do. Please help! I'm a novice when it comes to things like this, I genuinely do not know how this all works.


In addition, where do I install OBSE? It is currently in my Data folder.

Edited by RatB0Y68
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I've now done this, but does this mean that any mods that need OBSE automatically sort themselves out? Will doing this mean OBSE just works by itself or do I have to manually set or change things?
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i dont no if the ones iv got are obse but i download the mods from nexus/here and extract get the file put it on my flash drive and its eather corupt or doesent do anything im new to moding iv got modio and 7zip what can i do or where am i going rong
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I've now done this, but does this mean that any mods that need OBSE automatically sort themselves out? Will doing this mean OBSE just works by itself or do I have to manually set or change things?



i think obse should work automatically.


OBSE works automaticaly, but you need to lanch oblivion with it.

you can lanuch by clicking OBSE_loader in your oblivion folder, but you can also use The OBSE launcher, it's easier.

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