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Help with "A World Of Pain"


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It looks like I have sufficent info to fix the mod now. Thanks for all your help.

BTW, I was previously unaware you could convert an esm to an esp just by renaming it. That will save a lot of time (thanks to Quetzlsacatanango for pointing this out)

Everyone will be credited for thier input on the next upload.

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I downloaded your file and this is what I did/found:


esp crashes for me when trying to open with Geck.


Load up both esp and esm in FNVEdit to compare


esp missing xx3883B FrankieQuest01 causing errors on topics, probably causing the Geck crash


copy FrankieQuest01 from esm into esp as override - it will require adding the esm as a master - say yes


Go to header of esp, remove AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm from the master list.


Close FNVEdit, save.


Open esp with FNVEdit, check for errors - should just get the IMOD errors from placed weapon mod kits and some NAVI errors. Close.


open esp with Geck, (it didn't crash for me after this). re-save the FrankieQuest01 script to flag a file change.


File - Save. exit.


Open esp with FNVEdit, check for errors. NAVI errors are gone.


The IMOD errors are caused because FNVEdit hasn't yet been updated to 'know' what a weapon mod kit is.


The esm opens ok for me in the Geck and just has the IMOD errors. Though the esm flag isn't toggled.




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Thanks for that rickerhk - now I have to option to save the work on Frankie too. I shall look into that tomorrow, I'm still not sure whether or not just to delete him & all references to him and start again but it's good to know I have the choice.
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If I rename between esp and esm, is there any way to keep the voice recording names the same? For example, if I have entered my own filenames so they are understandable, will the directory name keep changing as I switch between esp and esm? Will it reset a user-given filename to something different if the formid changes?


If I reliably make a backup of my esp every few hours of work, is there any additional benefit to cycling between esp and esm as you suggest? Merging using fnvedit does require a few extra steps.


When you just rename a plugin, all you have to do rename is the directory the sound files are in. When you merge plugins, it's possible that some FormIds will change. Part of the sound file name is the FormID so i'd guess this is the only way the engine has to pick the right sound to play for a topic. Only formIDs are loaded at runtime, i've been told. If the FormId of a topic changes, the sound file name that it expects to find also changes.


I would do the esm/esp merge maybe once a week. The benefit is not having to constantly convert the main esm back and forth. The only downside is the impact on your game save if you added new items to the esp, but if you really want a good test of your mod without strange problems cropping up all the time then you are going to be starting a new game regularly anyway.

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