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Win 7-64 bit, and NVSE


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I think I read somewhere that NVSE had problems with the 64 bit version of Win 7 (Home premium) Cannot remember the thread, but I'd like to know if anyone here knows about it.

My game CTDs sometimes as often as 30-40 times per hour. If it wasn't so darn fascinating, I'd scrap it :wallbash: and go back to FO3.

Another thing is that I'd love if somebody would come up wit a "Steam disabler" of some kind. I have plenty of things running in the background without needing another RAM/CPU thief.

I'd rather have the DVD in the drive than having Steam on all the time. In FO3 I found a "Windows live disabler" which was nice.

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Not caused by either Win7 x64 or NVSE. I use both and typically can play for hours with no crashes.


And Steam has a built in 'offline mode'. But you will still need steam for updates.

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Thanks for your answer. Wondering what it can be then. I DO run Steam offline.

How much RAM do you have? I can see that, when my game CTDs it uses some 1,5 Gbs. Which has me using more than 75% total of my 4 Gb.

Oh well, just rambling, sorry :whistling:

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Could possibly be memory, I know that FO3 on 64bit Win 7 has as memory leak, don't know if NV would do the same. Are you running any mods/texture replacers that might cause it, I know also the game came with bugs so certain locations in NV will cause the game to crash persistently (Luxx Bath House for instance).
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The memory problems inherent in the gambryo engine - used for Oblivion, FO3 & NV are well known, But even with the minimum ram it don't cause a crash that often. More typical would be every other hour. (It's just telling you it's time for a break. :thumbsup:)


More likely would be some background process trying to do something and stealing enough cpu time that the game can't recover.


Some IM programs are bad about constantly checking for new messages. Some update programs will keep trying every few minutes if they can't get through.


Try this: Game Booster FREE: available here: http://majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=5952 Be sure to get the FREE version and not the pay one unless you want the extra features. And, be sure to uncheck the garbage programs it tries to get you to accept when you install - it tries to get you to download ASK and make it your default search engine (ASK is a legitimate search engine, but, IMO, not in the same league as Google.)


It will allow you to shut down most background processes and recover their memory before starting a game. And allow you to specify any background processes you want to keep.

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Finally. The game runs with only a few (1-3 every 2 hours) CTDs. A HUGE improvement. I've tried quite a few things to train that PC of mine to jump over the fence instead of crawling under it. "Game Booster" certainly had an effect as it freed up a couple of 100 Mbs of precious ram. Thank you for pointing me in that direction :thumbsup:

But, the lump of sugar, that really made my PC jump was this:http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38644. A 3Gb enabler. If you have the ram and a 64 bit system you should try it.

One more thing I did though, was cut down on my company. Instead of having 4-5 companions, I travel with 2-3 now. Every bit helps, I guess :smile:

Anway, a big thumbs up to all you smart people -smarter than me anyway :whistling: - who are always willing to help getting the most out of this game :biggrin:

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