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Script & Quest problems


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If I change the script type to object it then fails to recognise the monster variable from the previous script.

(Error warning: line 4, Unknown variable '00FrankieQuest01.monster1')

The first script is attatched to the quest and so is a quest script. If I change this I can no longer select it in the quest window. Should I create a seperate script for this function and if so what do I attch it to?

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I think I just solved that problem, (the Stage menu result box deleting all contents) if i'm not mistaken it was searching out the name of my quest rather than the editor id which was slightly different. Changing that seemed to solve the problem.

I'm using the powerup Geck now (was not earlier) and it no longer displays errors (did once for a typo, thats it).

Unfortunately that did not solve the second problem with the unsaving script which still won't recognise the variable '00FrankieQuest01.monster1

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OK, I have everything working great now, the quest has come together nicely and I'm getting the hang of the script commands. I have one more problem though.

I can't figure out how to remove topics at certain specific quest stages. I would assume there is a script command for this (e.g. removetopic 00FrankieTopic01) but I can't find it.

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davidlallen: thank you Professor Modstein. I will keep this in mind when coding tescript for my UNIVAC 1107.

Snap! Can your quest variables do this trick? If I want to test the middle of my long quest mod, I can use "setstage" commands in the console to set up a situation where, say, monster1 and monster3 are dead. Is it possible to set quest variables in the console? Most of the name data is not stored, so I am not sure you can set variables in the console. But I find setting stages in the console to be a great aid in testing.

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