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bug fix needed


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i decided to mass murder the entire population of new vegas but the only problem is the robots you see in the streets (the upgraded version with rockets) will forever continue to respawn everytime you go thru a gate :wallbash: so i cant finish my killing spree


indoor robots stay dead so it must be a setting that needs tweaking


im not talking about them resetting after a few days, im saying go thu gate kill robots (not easy) go thru next gate kill those robots and when you go back thru the first gate all robots are alive and ready to blast the crap out of you again


and the way the stupid save game system works your stuck there and cant undo the first attack so, for the most part, at that point its just about game over

Edited by webster63
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EVERY "bug" in the game is "how the game is designed" thats why patches are needed, and not "every" bug is ever addressed by the patches. the game was designed to respawn things after a few days not immediately.



as far as modding goes there are over a hundred mods out there (mostly 30-50 with 3 or 4 copycat versions of each mod) so im reporting an issue i see and at the same time looking to see if there is a mod that already addresses it.


there is no point in even MORE duplication of mods so IMO more people should report things first in order to find out as much as they can about an issue before they attempt doing mods

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