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Hey guys, here's a fun game you should check out called eRepublik. Ever wanted to be a part of a new


world? In this game you get to be a driving force in the quest to determine your country's place in the


world. Whether you're supporting the United States in preserving the status quo or just trying to hold


your provinces as a citizen of Croatia, this game is entertaining. It doesn't require hours of play


each day, just around 2 minutes to an hour of your time. (if you really get into politics!)


You can run businesses, be a general in the army, or run for president or other offices! Entirely a


player driven economy and player driven environment. You can be remembered for years as the president


that completely turned around your country's failed economy.


The current president of the eUS (Haliman) is leading a country that's 14,000 people strong. That's


14,000 other people like you that look to him for guidance. If you play eRepublik, this could be you!


See you in the new world.



Use of referrer links in this way is considered spam and advertisement. It's one thing to talk about a game, and another to include a link to said game which helps you for every time it is clicked. These sorts of things are not allowed here. The link has been removed and the thread has been closed.


- Vagrant0

Edited by Vagrant0
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Hmm, the concept for it sounds interesting, but I've seen their methods of advertising and any company that has to spam to sell their product must have an inferior product. That or cheap marketing executives.
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