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Having FPS issues that I shouldn't be having.


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Oops. Forget that last post. After testing the OR framerate manager thingy and something else, I think I found a better solution. The game runs smoother now and closer to 30 fps in wilderness using RAEVWD. Open cities still drop my framerate to 20, though - but it already drops to 25 in open cities without any other mods installed, so it does not bother me. :) Here is what I have done today:


I set the following settings in Oblivion.ini:





They are, come to think of it, the ones recommended on the OR mod page.


Then I set the following settings in OblivionReloaded.ini...

In the Main section, I have enabled the framerate manager.

In the FrameRate section, I have set the following:

Average = 30

Gap = 3

Delay = 3

FadeStep = 0.5

FadeMinObjects = 12

FadeMinActors = 12

GridStep = 1

GridMin = 12


Then, I have limited my framerate to 30. OR is not an fps limiter, so I limited it otherwise. I used this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34/? (they go in Oblivion directory). It comes with a config file (antilag.cfg) that can be opened in Notepad. The settings I use in it are:




The reason I used that one is I have an AMD/ATI card that does not seem to have the option to limit FPS without using external or additional programs, which I would not want to do. Perhaps NVIDIA cards have the option to limit framerate without using that d3d9.dll I linked? You can check it. I had an NVIDIA card once, but that was years ago and I do not remember anything about it. :D Limiting framerate seems to prevent it from jumping up and down as radically as it does when not limiting it. The prerender limit might help with input lag, too, if you have it. Not sure, though.


I did not manage to make the ramdisk feature work myself, so I do not know how those things I listed work with it. Instead, I used ENBoost to help with memory. But I suppose the ramdisk will work much better. Why did it not work? It did read some files from it, though, but not all. This is odd - especially since I tried to help you get it working. :)


And be sure to get rid of Streamline. With your machine, it is not necessary. And OR already comes with memory purger and an incredible framerate manager.


Hopefully that helps. Surprisingly, this has also been incredibly helpful for me, too. Learning never ends. :D

Edited by PhilippePetain
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I just tried the Oblivion.ini and OblivionReloaded.ini settings you suggested, and while the results are a little better, I still have a little bit to go. I am currently achieving around 28 - 30FPS, which is completely acceptable to me. However, I do keep getting regular drops to 15 or so.


I talked to Alesnet (OR dev) regarding the RAMDisk and he told me what I was doing wrong. You generate your DistantLOD using TES4LodGen, and put that on the RamDisk. Then you take all the textures and meshes from the RAEVWD installation archives and place them into "Textures" and "Meshes" folders on your RAMDisk.


I have not tried using the FPS Limiter though, so I will give that a look soon.

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Umm... yes. The thing with the meshes and lod was what I was trying to explain. But, as I said myself, I am completely useless when it comes to explaining things. Good to hear the problem was solved. :)


Does the drop happen when you stand still or when moving? Or immediately after OR has purged memory? FPS usually drops when the game loads new cells or other resources, but the drop should not last longer than a second or two. It can be made less noticeable using, for example, the heap replacement in Oblivion Stutter Remover, but I am not sure if it can be completely gotten rid of.


The FPS limiter is only really useful if your FPS tends to vary much. I like mine to be around 30 most of the time and not jump between 60 and 30 (or 20). It is not necessary by any means.

Edited by PhilippePetain
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It's only when moving. It goes down to 15 whenever the Queued IO Task Count, Queued Reference Count or Total BSTask Count go up.


I assume that's when it's loading assets in the background? In which case, I assume there's no real way around the issue?


Frame rates jumping around isn't a huge issue to me, so I will probably pass on the FPS Limiter. Good to know it's there though. :)

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Hello again,


I forgot to mention that I'm only using Streamline for the stream save feature, all other features are turned off.


I am having another issue now, though. I'm getting consistent CTDs around Anvil, particularly when I try to walk past this area (Excuse the crappy image, the in game weather is terrible and I can't move due to so many enemies and I keep getting CTDs):




It is the western wall (if you were looking at it from the front) of Anvil and it CTDs 100% of the time at the moment. The whole area in general seems to consistently CTD after a couple minutes of gameplay though.


EDIT: I thought it would probably also help if I shared what my Wrye Bash Mods Tab looks like just in case I'm doing something wrong in there.





Edited by Falco2073
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I just did it after your suggestion but I've experienced 3 CTDs since, over the last hour or so. I haven't been back to Anvil, they have just been when wandering the exterior or trying to enter Skingrad.

Edited by Falco2073
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It's not a fool proof fix-all, but it does give the game an chance to sort things out without the player's involvement in the game world so it will sometimes help.


I've no experience with the Better Cities/UL stuff (or MMM/FCOM for that matter) and it looks like that stuff dominates your load order. I know Better Cities has active support if you can narrow it down to something specific that you could report there.


Is that a BOSS sorted load order or LOOT?

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You could try changing this in the experimental section of Oblivion Stutter Remover ini to 0 instead of 1 (in the ini you linked you have it set to 1):


bReplaceRandomWrappers = 1


Changing it seems to have helped me with crashing. Found out it caused crashes to me near cities (mainly Chorrol) while testing how different settings affect performance and such - with minimal success. But the whole thing might also be hardware, software and overall configuration sensitive (most likely is), so I cannot say exactly what is causing it. But changing that one to 0 helped me get rid of crashing near Chorrol.


If that does not work, I need to think more... arrgh... all the brainwork. And holiday has just begun. :D

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