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What is Load Screen Type?


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I've looked everywhere online for information regarding the Load Screen Type section in the Fallout New Vegas GECK and can't find anything. I'm ultimately trying to change the way the loading screens are displayed (not the images) to look like the way it did in Fallout 3, where your XP and level are displayed, as well as three random stats, a tip, and the current objective. Can anyone shed some light on this mysterious feature in the GECK? Thanks.

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Luthien is correct, the only type of loading screen that FNV uses is the "StandardLoadingTip", which is just the block of text with tips about the game.


There's an additional object type, "Load Screen Type" which has a "Data Type" field that lets you select XP progress, stats, and other info, but none of those are used, and the only "Load Screen Type" object that exists is for tips. I played around with it a while back trying to get it to show other stuff and it would never show anything, so my conclusion is the code doesn't exist, or if it does it's been deliberately disabled.

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