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Problem with colliders


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Ok. So I created a room in blender, and added physics. Then I loaded my game, and spawned my self in the room. I fell through the floor. Hmm... I know that I did activate the physics, so I thought perhaps physics only one side?.... kind of like you can only see a texture from one side. I tested this by loading my character up on top of the mesh. This worked. So my colliders are keeping me out of my mesh and not in. How do I fix this? I have already messed with the normals thinking it would help, but I couldn't see any change from flipping, calc outside, or calc inside. Edited by acklavidian
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when you say "spawned myself in the room," do you mean as in you walked through a door, or you used the console? because if you walked in through a door, and your floor was slightly above the feet of your player, and there was a gap, you could cause yourself to fall through, and if you can see the texture of the floor before you fall through, then you most likely shouldn't fall through, unless in the editor your floor isnt at a height of zero. I would try using a door that is raised above the floor, and connect it to say a door in the testing hall to walk through it so that you enter the room above the floor in your new area. This will show you whether or not the physics of the floor work properly
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