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qarl's texture pack 3 redimized - Using a map as the ground?


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Hey, so when it comes to modding I can figure out installation/OMOD for the most part, but when something like this happens, I have no idea how to fix it.


I'll let the pictures do the talking.


This is my load order with some mods (Qarl's is not in there as I did not turn it into an OMOD)



This is me standing here looking oh so good, I had to wait to take the screen because some guard decided to get friendly and walk all the way over from his post to say hi.



Here's a closer shot at the ground so you can try and make out the map on the ground instead of what should be there.



And here's another shot, I have mods that add in Elsweyr and this is the ground texture I get when I head into that area.



I've tried re-downloading Qarls Redimised and throwing it back into the Data folder but I haven't had any luck. It's still playable but after about 5 minutes the Escape button starts to look real friendly.


Any help would be great!

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