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Mods for Skyrim might ruin the fun??


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I never said that I am against letting people mod or at least that wasn't my meaning all I am saying is that I wouldn't care if they didn't add a CS in skyrim and I might even enjoy it even more as the feeling of the game stays intact, I just want the game to have a value for what it already is. I have a few mods myself but I personally like to keep it true to the lore and I think all those female "enhancements" as runathir so nicely put it are just bizarre and ridiculous but if you have some kind of pervert fetish or just like having a girl with basketballs on her chest it's all up to you.


Just gave me a funny picture in my head as you are slaying a dragon and a nord or somethin walks up to you and she looks like a barbie with silicon in every part of her body in this time period. I would have ROFL:ed.


P.S I know that not all body enhancements mods are that extreme like BBB and such but by the scans seen both the bodies (male at least) and faces look a lot nicer in this game then in previous.

Edited by dodger805
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might have but hopefully not cause that is just what i have been wanting the characters to look like since i started playing oblivion and I just noticed that if you look at the scans and then on any screenie of fallout 3 or NV fallout just looks really crappy in comparison.
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Ah, finally someone who speaks the truth. I mean, quest mods and such are good, but things like BBB are for people with some serious issues IMO. Big breasts are caused usually by obesity, or implants...


It's not very nice that you would go around saying that "People who use BBB are for people with some serious issues"


Nobody is forcing you to use such mods. I do infact use body mods, I use them for increasing the NATURAL quality that Bethesda couldn't be bothered spending the time in putting the quality in, they spent more time in duplicating dungeon cells instead than doing work on their combat system (which isn't bad, but could have been better) and voice acting.


The voice acting is nice, don't get me wrong.

But I recall Bethesda making a big thing about it, then the funny thing about it was, you can speak to some beggar woman, who sounds ill - and then switch the topic and she sounds all posh!


Nobody is forcing you to download mods from here.


Doesn't mean we can't voice our opinions eh? :P


Theres voicing an opinion, then there's being offensive. Check the quote above this one (Same post)


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Mods are there to allow the player to play the game, how they would like to play it.


"Ruining the fun" are these mods that give you super weapons that deal 2million damage per standard swing. But things such as creating new armour, (as long as it's not overpowered) - Castle Mods, companions, body changes wouldn't ruin the game at all.

Edited by Javalin
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Actually BBB is a feature that allows movement to the breasts and that feature includes most cups and body replacers.I use TGND body replacer and there is a BBB TGND and the body is one of the most realistic one.Javalin is right about the previews post being offensive.If people like big bodies it´s their own business and doesn´t mean they have issues just because they like something others do not.I also don´t like the extreme big body replacers but I don´t think that ruins the game nor that people who like it have issues.

I say it I hope there is mods for skyrim weather it needs it or not cause mods are what keep this games alive for years.

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So basically I have been wondering about skyrim and the modding of it and I think I won't get any mods for it unless it really misses something. I have been thinking (and I know I am gonna get a lot of hate for this) that maybe it's best to not add modding possebilities (can't spell lol) because I myself get really sad and depressed when I see a video on youtube when someone has taken oblivion and modded it into some sort of shitty Devil may cry/hentai/manga/cartoon/call of duty by using mods that changes every aspect of the game. Then the game has lost all of it's purpose and you just bought it for the graphics engine which is just sad. What are your feelings on this? :mellow:


I also dislike the many pornographic and Japanese cartoon themed mods that are made for Oblivion/Fallout 3/Fallout New Vegas, but it is the right of others to make/use those mods if they wish. I just avoid even looking at such mods and pick only the mods I'm interested in. I think they definitely should add modding capabilities to Skyrim for we can have just as many mods that you and I like. Ever since I started downloading Oblivion mods I just couldn't play any of Bethesda's games vanilla; for me the right mods make the games my top favorites.

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Let's not be whiners.


Whether you like to have stacked bimbos on your wall, your desktop, your browser, or decorating your favorite computer game, it's all the same damn thing.


If you really think that having that kind of mod defines you as some sort of lonely nerd or something, then it's probably because you're actually insecure about being some sort of lonely nerd in the first place. If you feel that way, try asking yourself the real reason why you feel so.


There's no difference. It's all an association that you choose to make in your mind. I don't mean to make any judgements, but if the shoe fits anybody, you'd do well to hear me out.


Besides, Skyrim is supposed to be a lot like Sweden, right? :wub:

Edited by Jermungand
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Actually BBB is a feature that allows movement to the breasts and that feature includes most cups and body replacers.I use TGND body replacer and there is a BBB TGND and the body is one of the most realistic one.Javalin is right about the previews post being offensive.If people like big bodies it´s their own business and doesn´t mean they have issues just because they like something others do not.I also don´t like the extreme big body replacers but I don´t think that ruins the game nor that people who like it have issues.

I say it I hope there is mods for skyrim weather it needs it or not cause mods are what keep this games alive for years.

Thats all BBB is? From what I heard, I thought it was something that made the breast size huge. I make mistakes :wallbash:

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If you feel that way, try asking yourself the real reason why you feel so.


Perhaps it is because most of it puts strong emphasis on physicality. What kind of body a particular person thinks is "nice" is irrelevant, at least from what I said. I just think it's a shame to put too much stock in appearances. A shame for other people, and yourself as well. I'm not attempting to insult anyone, rather I would put forward the idea that there's a lot more to life and companionship than sexuality. Sure, there's something to it as well, but it's all just entertainment without a much deeper connection; there's no soul to it. So no, I'm not going to say anything about how liking a huge chest is stupid, or that such people are just perverts who need to get a life. But I would encourage looking past surface features (that includes what most people call personality), because I believe there's a lot of real enjoyment, as opposed to just fulfilling a desire or simple entertainment, to be had in doing so.


Of course, that point is rather moot in talking about video games. Obviously, video games are just entertainment. Just that I'd hope one could tell the difference in importance. At any rate, I'm sure most most anyone would say this isn't the place for such a discussion, or simply that people have the right to like what they life. So I'll not pursue the subject, and leave my opinion if anyone cares to see it.


Back to the subject matter for a moment, I would just reaffirm that I don't think mods will ruin the fun. At least not for me. Mods that I don't like, I'll just look past, and see if there's anything I do. Plus, I'm sure that mods have at least some impact on Bethesda's outlook on what their customers would like to see, and probably causes the next installment to be better, even if just a little. And I don't think they're likely to change the Elder Scrolls into anything crazy, judging by Todd Howard's opinion that Japanese RPG's are just too fantastical.

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